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NameElectric & Gas Signs & Lamps: Projecting Private Lamps
TitleProjecting Private Lamps: Proposed Taxation
AuthorEngineer & Surveyor; Electricity Department;
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0484-0491)
Repository typeArchive

Report from Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary - "Projecting Private Lamps". Shanghai, January 8, 1909. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0484). 

I have to report for the information of the Works Comittee that there are now several hundred private electric and gas lamps projecting over the public streets and that most of these lamps have been erected without permits, although I have written both the Gas Company and the Electricity Department that such lamps must not be erected until a permit has been obtained.

In order to keep a better control over these lamps the numbers of which are continually increasing and to prevent owners obtaining permanent rights over the streets, I have to recommend that a fee of $1.00 per annum be charged for every private lamp (gas, electric, or oil) projecting over the public street. The size and pattern of lamp to be approved by the Public Works Department. The rule to apply to all existing lamps.  

Copy of Minute of Works Committee Held on Tuesday - the Jan 19th, 1909. "Projecting Private Lamps". Shanghai, January 19, 1909. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0485-0486).

A report by the Engineer draws attention to the recent increase in the number of private lamps projecting over the sidewalk in Nanking Road, Broadway and elsewhere. He suggests more close Police supervision, and the establishemnt of a fee of $1 per annum per lamp permitted. In the course of the discussion which ensues, it appears that no request for this privilege is customarily refused, and that the necessity for permits lies in preventing the acquisition by the owner concerned of a vested right to the easement. 

The Committee considers that the system of permits should be maintained and, after due consideration, endorses also the recommendation on the subject of the fee. In this connexion it is pointed out that the annual collection of small sums of this character will involve considerable trouble, scarcely in keeping with the object to be attained and that there is strong probability that the levy will be resisted in a manner similar to that adopted by owners when an attempt was made to secure monetary recognition of the encroachment caused by foundations and footings.  

Letter from Secretary to Engineer & Surveyor. Shanghai, January 23, 1909. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0487).

The question of private lamps over-hanging footways has recently had the Council's attention and instructions are being given that the erection of such encroachments without the necessary permit be rigorously prevented by the Police. The Electricity Department, however, can co-operate in this movement so far as electric lamps are concerned by declining to connect such lamps for the erection of which no permit is produced, and the Council directs that this be done. 

Keywordscentral ; cinema ; electric ; engineer ; footpath ; gas ; International Settlement ; lamp ; northern ; permit ; police ; projection ; resistance ; taxation ;
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