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NameMason Company, Limited, Proposed Flash Light Advertising Screen, Cad. Lot 377, Nanking Road No.455
TitleProposed Flash Light Advertising Screen, Mason Company (Central District)
AuthorMason Company; Commissioner of Public Works; Commissioner of Police; Fire Brigade;
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (1012-1019)
Repository typeArchive

Mason Company Limited to Commissioner of Public Works from Mason Company Limited, Shanghai, September 30, 1926. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (1012).

We beg to send you enclosed application for Permit to erect one flashlight advertising screen and one iron sheet advertising board on the roof of Yuen Sung Kung Sze, 455 Nanking Road, corner Fokien Road, Cad. Lot 377. We be to sollicit you early granting of the Permit for a day earlier we get the Permit will save us so much.  

Application for Permit. Shanghai, September 30, 1926. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (1014). 

APPLICATION FOR PERMIT. PLEASE grant permission to erect one flashlight advertising screen & one iron sheet advertising board on the roof of house No.455 Nanking Road, corner Fokien Road, Cad Lot 377, for a period of twelve months and I/we hereby undertake to comply with the following and such other conditions as may be contained in the permit granted by the Council. 
1 - That the sign not extend in to the ... Road more than three feet. 
2 - That sufficient protection be made so that the materials do not fall into the road. 
3 - That the .... when landed be immediately taken away. 
4 - That the .... be carried in properly constructed bakets and not dropped on the road. 
5 - That the road be not opened more than half in widh at a time, and free access be left to all houses, buildings and alleyways. 
6 - That efficient barriers and lights be placed at night to protect ad shew all openings. 
7 - That the road or footpath be repained at the completion of the work by the Municipal Council of which 1/we undertake to pay the costs. 
8 - That in the event of there being any accidents through defective and insuffcient lighting, fencing or barries, or from the absence of same, or from any cause consequent upon this application being granted, 1/we hereby undertake to make food at my/our own expense all claims for injuries and accidents that may occur. Note - Application for building permits must be made on the special form issued by the Public Works Department.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Acting Chief Officer - Fire Brigade - "Proposed flashlight advertising screen No. 455 Nanking Road corner Fokien Road, Cad Lot 377 Central". Shanghai, October 2, 1926. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (1015).

An application for permission to instal a flashlight advertising screen on the roof of the above premises has been received from the Mason Company Limited. The appliant states verbally that the apparatus is similar to that for which a permit was recently requested in the of premises at the corner of North Szechuen and Range Roads, but as these latter buildings are about to be demolished, no permit is now required. I shall be greatly obliged if you will kindly let me know whether you have any objection to the issue of the permit.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Commissioner of Police - "Proposed flashlight advertising screen No. 455 Nanking Road corner Fokien Road, Cad Lot 377 Central".  Shanghai, October 2, 1926. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (1016).

An application for permission to instal a flashlight advertising screen on the roof of the above premises has been received from the Mason Company Limited. The appliant states verbally that the apparatus is similar to that for which a permit was recently requested in the of premises at the corner of North Szechuen and Range Roads, but as these latter buildings are about to be demolished, no permit is now required. I shall be greatly obliged if you will kindly let me know whether you have any objection to the issue of the permit. 

Acting Chief Officer (Fire Brigade) to Commissioner of Public Works -  "Proposed flashlight advertising screen No. 455 Nanking Road corner Fokien Road, Cad Lot 377 Central".  Shanghai, October 5, 1926. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (1017).

With reference to your letter number BS9/632 dated October 2, 1926, there will be no objection to the erection of the screen and lantern as far as this Department is concerned, provided that for the lantern there is adequate ventilation and protection of the surrounding fixtures.  

Commissioner of Police to Commissioner of Public Works  - "Flashlight advertising screen- Ref. B.S. 9/633" of October 2".  Shanghai, October 8, 1926. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (1017).

There are no Police objections to this permit being issued provided it is understood that is must be removed if found that it causes obstruction to traffic. 

Keywordsbuilding ; demolition ; fire ; flashlight ; permit ; police ; projection ; road ; safety ; traffic ;
993/1079 results        
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