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NameB. Martynow. Stereoscopic Advertisements - New World Building
TitleStereoscopic Advertisements, B. Martynow, New World Building
AuthorChina Agency (I.C.S.); Ritter, F.; Commissioner of Police; Commissioner of Public Works; Fire Brigade;
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1129-1145) ; U1-14-3170 (0652-0662)
Repository typeArchive

B. Martynow to S.M.C. Secretary. Shanghai, January 12, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1130).

Herewith I be to apply for permission to demonstrate advertisements on slides, on the roof of the North New World Building, known as F. 1 Bubbling Well Road. 

My idea is to show to the public the advertisement of different firms on slides, such as are shown at any cinema during intervals, on an outdoor screen, which will be a cotton sheet stretched between two iron electric lamp poles, which surround the roof of the building. 

My opinion is that this will not cause any obstruction to traffic, wich opinion is confirmed by the existing street cinema advertisings

The machine, which will be used to show these advertisements will be placed in a fire-proof cinema enclosure already existing on the roof

If any further requirements will be found necessary, according to the rules of the Municipal Council, I shall be willing to comply with them. 

If any further information is required, would you please kindly let me know at once, so this matter may be taken up at the next Council's meeting. 

Commissioner of Police to Commissioner General, Report No. 1363/1. Shanghai, January 22, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1131).

No police objection provided that the advertisements are confined to magic lantern slides and that moving pictures, which would cause crowds to collect, are not used. 

Commissioner of Public Works to Commissioner General. Shanghai, January 18, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1132).

There is no objection from this Department (PWD) to the issue of the permit applied for, but I would suggest that the applicant be informed that in the event of the advertisements attracting crowds, detrimental to traffic control, the permit will be withdrawn. 

Memorandum to the Watch Committee and the Works Committee. "Illuminated Advertisements". Shanghai, January 25, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1133).

Application from Mr. Boris Martynow with Works Department and Police comments thereon. With members' appoval a reply will be submitted as suggested. 

Note for Mr. Lester. "Illuminated Advertisements". Shanghai, February 2, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1134).

It is unnecessary in such a case to call for a report from the Fire Brigade. At this stage the primary principle of the grant is decided on, when the automatic action of issue of the permit goes through the P.W.D., the Building Surveyor is responsible for notifying the Fire Brigade where questions of Fire protection may arise. 

Assistant Secretary to B. Martynow. Shanghai, February 2, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1135).

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 12, requesting the issue of a permit to display stereoscopic advertisements on the roof of the New World Building, Cadastral Lot 1, Bubbling Well Road, and in reply to say that the Council approves of the grant of the necessary permit subject to the erection, and maintenance, of the display sheet meeting the requirements of the Public Works Department and the machine used for the display being kept in such place and in such manner as shall meet the requirements of the Public Work Department or the Fire Brigade. 

Should the Council so require at any time the display sheet and machine used for display shall either be removal entirely or the position thereof shall be altered to conform to the Council's requirements. Information as to the special advertising rate payable in respect of the advertisement can be obtained from the Commissioner of Revenue.  

B. Martynow to Secretary. Shanghai, February 28, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1138). 

We beg respectfully to refer to a conversation between Mr. Springfield, Assistant Commissioner of Police, and the undersigned with regard to the possibility of obtaining your permission to exhibit cinema films on our Advertising Station on the roof of the New World, corner of Bubbling Well Road and Thibet Road, and to submit for your kind consideration the following observations: - 

  1. We do not think that a great number of pedestrians would remain on the road or sidewalk to watch the films for the reason that the same films will be shown over a long period thus quickly becoming known to every one save the casual passer-bye. 
  2. It is almost necessary for an Advertising business to use films as many prominent firms, British as well as American, only wish to advertise by films. To quote an example was may mention the Standard Oil Company. 
  3. Should it become apparent that the showing of advertising films become a cause of obstruction to traffic we are respectfully willing:
    • A. To discontinue the showing of films immediately upon receiving orders to do so.
    • B. Alternatively: to pay for the attendance of one or two Chinese Police Constables to make pedestrians move on.

As it is of the greatest importance for us to obtain your permission to show advertising films we trust that you will be kind enough to give our application your favourable consideration bearing in mind that we are prepared to do anything within our power to avoid causing obstruction of the traffic and thereby annoyance and additional labour to the Police Department.  

B. Martynow to Secretary. Shanghai, February 28, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1136).

We beg respectfully inquire if it is possible to obtain a reduction of the fee which is to be levied by the council on our advertising screen on the New World, Bubbling Well Road. 

Our screen is at present 11 feet by 11 feet equal to 121 sq. Feet, at Tls. 3.00 per square feet per annum making a fee payable of Tls. 363.00.

Owing to the height of the building it will however be necessary to construct a larger screen, 20 feet by 20 feet, giving an area of 400 square feet at a fee of Tls. 1200.00 per annum. 

As our business has just been started it is almost impossible for us to meet such a heavy fee and we therefore be respectfully to ask you to very kindly grant us a reduction which will make it possible for us to carry on our business. 

We may say, that this our request is only to be considered as an application for temporary relief and as soon as our business has been working for six or eight months we shall be glad to re-open the matter of the Municipal fee and give the Department concerned exact figures of our working expenses and earnings. 

We hope that you will deem fit to consider our application favourably and beg to remain... 

Commissioner of Police to Secretary & Commissioner General, Report No. 1363/4. Shanghai, March 3, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1137).

With reference to the Council's letter No.2172 of February 9, 1932 to Mr. Martynow on the subject of the displaying of stereoscopic advertisements on the roof of the New World Building, I forward herewith copy of a further letter which I have received from him asking for permission to exhibit cinema films on the premises in question. In regard thereto I have to recommend that permission be provisionnally given to him for this purpose on the definite understanding  that should this method of advertising become a cause of obstruction to traffic in the roadway below, it must be discontinued without question on receipt of instructions from the Police. 

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary and Commissioner of Police, Letter No. R/23/285. "Proposed Cinema Advertisements on Roof of the New World Building - Cad. Lot 1 - Bubbling Well Road - Letter from B. Marynow and Company dated February 28th, 1923 - Report by the Commissioner of Police dated March 3rd, 1923". Shanghai, March 7, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1139).

Permission has been given to Mr. Martynow to display stereoscopic advertisements on the roof of the New World Building, vide the Council's letter dated the 2nd February and a permit was issued on the 14th February. 

As there is already a properly constructed cinema machine enclosure on the roof, I have no objection to the display of cinema film advertisements, provided the recommendation of the Commissioner of Police be agreed to. 

Chief Officer (Shanghai Fire Brigade) to Secretary & Commissioner General, Report No. 62/23, Shanghai, March 8, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1140).
Re Mr. Martynow's application for permission to show cinematograph advertisements from the roof of New World, I would say that there is no objection as far as this Department (Fire Brigade) is concernant provided the cinema box is of the approved pattern.

Memorandum to the Watch Committee and the Works Committee. "Illuminated Advertisements - New World Building". Shanghai, March 12, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1141).

Application from Mr. Martynow with Departmental comments thereone. Will members approve the application?  

Commissioner of Revenue to Secretary & Commissioner General. "Street Advertising - Letter dated February 28 from Messrs B. Marynow & Company asking for a reduction in the fee charged for the advertising device on the New World." Shanghai, March 20, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1142).

The fee quoted for this advertisign screen was Tls. 3 per square foot, but it would appear from Messrs. Martynow & Co's letter that this is prohibitive. I therefore recommend that it be reduced to Tls. 1 per square foot for the present, this figure to be subject to revision if deemed necessary later on. This method of advertising is one which is more or less in the experimental stage, and, as it is appears to be unobjectionable, it would seem unfair to tax it out of existence.  
Memorandum to the Watch Committee and the Works Committee. "Illuminated Advertisements - New World Building". Shanghai, March 20, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1143).

Report by Revenue Office recommending reduction in the advertising rate from Tls. 3 per square foot to Tls. 1 per square foot. Recommend for approval.  

Assistant Secretary to Secretary & Commissioner General. Shanghai, April 9, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1144). 

I am directed to refer to your letter of February 28, in which you ask for a reevaluation in the advertising rate to be charged in connection with the display of stereoscopic advertisements on the roof of the New World Building, Cadastral Lot 1, Bubbling Well Road. 

In reply thereto, I am to state that the Council has given consideration to your request and in viw of the circumstances is prepared to reduce the presente rate from Tls. 3 to Tls. 1 per square fot, upon the understanding that this figure is subject to revision at a later date, if such action be deemed necessary. 

Keywordscentral ; coordination ; experiment ; film ; fire ; lantern ; roof ; safety ; taxation ; traffic ; trial ;
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