Ohliguer-Films to commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, January 10, 1924. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (0952).
We shall be glad if you will grant us the necessary permit for public trade-advertisements to be shown from our office window on 3rd floor of No.45 North Szechuen Road & Haining Road corner through either films and Lantern-Slides focused on a screen outside the corner window. The room in which the machine will be operated will be fitted in accordance with the Council regulations. For your guidance we enclose herewith a sketch showing the position in which we propose to advertiser.
Commissioner of Public Works to Ohlinguer-Films - "Advertisement Screen at the Corner of North Szechuen and Haining Roads, Cadastral Lot 971, Northern District". Shanghai, January 14, 1924. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (0954-0955).
With reference to your letter of the 10th instant (January 1924) I beg to inform you that no advertisement screen can be allowed to project into the Municipal roadway.