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NameProjected Advertising - Nanking Road - Associated Advertisers
TitleProjected Advertising, Associated Advertisers, Nanking Road
AuthorAssociated Advertisers; Chief Officer, Fire Brigade; Commissioner of Police
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1190-1192)
Repository typeArchive

Associated Advertisers to S.M.C. Secretary. Shanghai, December 6, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1190).  

We propose to install a projector for the purpose of showing advertisements on a screen placed in our window at 101 Nanking Road facing East. The slides will be changed at intervals of a few minutes. Kindly let me know whether a permit is required for this.

Commissioner of Police to Secretary. Shanghai, December 12, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1191). 

There is no objection to the operation of the projector, provided the permission given is subject to withdrawal should such a course be necessary.

Letter from to Associated Advertisers. Shanghai, December 13, 1932. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1193). 

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 6, regarding your proposal to install a projector in your window at No. 101 Nanking Road for the purpose of showing advertisements on a screen. 

In reply, I am directed to inform you that there is no objection to your proposal, provided that all fire hazards are guarded against to the satisfation of the Chief Officer, Fire Brigade, and upon the understanding that the permission hereby given may be withdrawn should the public interest so necessitate. 

Keywordscentral ; fire ; projection ; public ; safety ; screen ; traffic ; window ;
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