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NameMoving Picture Advertising, Corner of North Szechuen & Haining Roads, Wong Sze Chee
TitleMoving Picture Advertising, Wong Sze Chee, North Szechuen/Haining
AuthorWong Sze Chee; Ou Kien Chuen; Holy Eagle Motion Advertising Company; Commissioner of Police; Commissioner of Public Works; Commissioner of Revenue; Fire Brigade;
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1183-1189), U1-14-3170 (0601-0608)
Repository typeArchive

Wong Sze Chee to Commissioner of Revenue.  Shanghai, September 5, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1185).

We are desirous of starting the Movie Picture Advertising business and you are requested to consider our application for a license to be issued to us. 

The location of this advertising will be at North Szechuen Road near Range Road with only a curtain on the wall, roof or verandah of a house and not on the side-walk or any place that would hinder the traffic. No construction of any kind is necessary, and that any accident during stormy days is thus avoided. The advertising is to be displayed for only a few hours in the evening. 

Although this line of business is new to Shanghai, such advertising has been in existence in Singapore and Hongkong for many years with permits obtained from the local Municipalities.

We have had considerable experience in this business and may assure you that the police regulations will be always observed by us and that no breach of order will ensue. 

If our application meets with your approval, the fee for the license to be issued will be accordingly paid by us without fail.  

Commissioner of Police Report. Shanghai, September 22, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1186).

The manager of the Holy Eagle Motion Advertising Company is one Ou Kien Chuen, residing at 14, Ziang Yu Lee, Ying Ka Jiao Road, Chapei, who has been interviewed in respect to this application. The site chosen for exhibiting advertisements is on the side of the Hongkew Hotel at the corner of North Szechuen and Haining Roads. 

There is no Police objection to the applicaiton, provided: - 

  1. That the applicant does not exhibit advertisements at any place other than that decided upon by the Police. 
  2. That he undertakes to stop exhibiting such advertisements immediately on request from the Police, if any time this action is considered necessary in the public interest. 

Commissioner of Revenue to Secretary. Shanghai, September 25, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1184).

I submit herewith a letter from Mr. Wong Sze Chee on the subject of advertising by moving pictures, together with comment by the Commissioner of Police 

As fire and structural requirements may affect this enterprise I suggest that the Fire Bridage and Public Works Department be consulted.  

Chief Officer (Shanghai Fire Brigade) Report. "Movie Picture Advertising No.2172". Shanghai, September 29, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1187).

With reference to copy of letter numbered as above (2172), dated September 25th, 1930, forwarded for comment, it is requested that the concerned might submit a plan or details as to the type of machine it is proposed to use for the projection of the pictures, for, naturally, if the ordinary nitro-cellulose films are to be used a projection booth would have to be provided, otherwise the machine would constitute a menace to the neighbourhood.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary. "Moving Picture Advertising". Shanghai, September 30, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1188).

With reference to the application of Mr. Wong Sze Chee for the above, it is advisable that plans be submitted to this Office showing what protection is being provided in the form of a fire resisting projector box.  

Deputy Secretary to Wong Sze Chee. Shanghai, October 2, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1189). 

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 5, requesting the Council's permission to undertake moving picture advertising at the corner of North Szechuen and Haining Roads. 

In order that your application may be considered, I have to request that you will submit to the Public Works Department plans indicating the type of machine it is proposed to use for the projection of the pictures. I have to add that, if the ordinary nitro-cellulose films are to be used, a proper projection booth would have to be provided. 

Keywordscurtain ; evening ; film ; fire ; Hongkong ; hotel ; interview ; northern ; permit ; plan ; projection ; safety ; screen ; Singapore ; roof ; taxation ; traffic ; verandah ; wall ; weather ; window ;
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