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NameIlluminated Signboard - Asiatic Petroleum Company, Limited - Cad Lot 61 - The Bund & Avenue Edward VII
TitleIlluminated Signboard, Asiatic Petroleum Company, Bund/Edward VII (Central district)
AuthorAsiatic Petroleum Company; Commissioner of Public Works
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3267, U1-14-3268
Repository typeArchive

Asiatic Petroleum Company to Public Works Department - "Electric Light Advertising Sign at No.1 The Bund". Shanghai, June 23, 1924. Source : SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (0962-0963).

It is suggested to erect an electric light advertising sign on the roof of this building, but before getting out final details we wish to obtain the Municipal Council's approval in principle, so we are sending you our preliminary drawing No.24/286 which shows the steel framework for supporting the Chinese characters it is proposed to illuminate. As the construction of the roof presents difficuties in providing stiff struts we propose hinging the vase of the two main posts and tying the framework from both sides with galvanized steel guy-wires as employed for ship's rigging. Calculation details of the design are also given on the drawing. We might mention that we have asumed, for purposes of calculation, that the two lines of characters it is proposed to illuminated form a solid obstruction to the wind. In reality this, of course, is not the case, as the characters will be of a treillis nature and allow the wind to pass through, but we think it advisable to assume that the caracters form a solid obstruction. 

As regards the main support, there will be a maximum lead, when the wind blows, of about 8 tons on each post, and this is carried by a light grillage of beams which transmit the lead on to four columns of the building. We should be obliged if you will please give us your preliminary approval as soon as possible.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Acting Secretary - "Application fo erect Illuminated Sign on Roof Corner of the Bund & Avenue Edward VII - Cad. Lot 61 - Central District". Shanghai, July 10, 1924. Source : SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (0970).

An application has been received from the Asiatic Petroleum Company (North China), Limited, to erect an illuminated sign on the roof of the above premises. The proposed sign is 76 feet 6 inches long and 45 feet 1,5 inches in height, and will consist of open steel framework supporting illuminated Chinese characters. 

I recommend the application for approval subject to the submission of satisfactory details of construction, anchorages, etc. and to the capacity of the existing columns of the building to take the additional weight.  

Copy of Minute of Works Committee Meeting Held on Tuesday the July 15, 1924 - 'Illuminated sign on roof - Corner of the Bund and Avenue Edward VII - Lot 61". Shanghai, July 15, 1924. Source : SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (0971). 

Subject to submission of satisfactory details of construction, anchorages, etc. and to the capacity of the existing columns of the building to take the additional weight, the application of the Asiatic Petroleum Company (North China) Limited to erect an illuminated sign on the roof of these premises is approved. 

Commissioner of Public Works" to Asiatic Petroleum Company -  'Illuminated sign on roof - Corner of the Bund & Avenue Edward VII - Lot 61 C". Shanghai, August 19, 1924. Source : SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (0972).

In reply to your applicaiton for permission to erect an illuminated sign on the roof of the above premises, I beg to inform you that the same has been allowed on principle but details and calculations showing adequate provision of anchorage, and the capacity of the structure to carry the additional load are required before a permit can be issued. 

Keywordselectric ; character ; petroleum ; roof ; safety ; wind ;
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