Letter from French Municipal Council to S.M.C. [Original in French]. Dated May 20, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1256 (0233-0236).
Au cours de sa Séance du 11 Mai 1921, le Conseil a été amené à examiner l'établissement d'une réglementation nouvelle et la création d'une taxe sur les enseignes des rues. Cette questions, d'ordre général, intéressant également les deux Concessions, le Conseil serait désireux de connaître au préalable l'avis du Shanghai Municipal Council.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les principales dispositions du nouveau règlement ainsi que le montant des taxes proposées suivant les diverses catégories.
Cette taxe ne s'applique pas aux enseignes disposées à plat contre les façades même avec légère inclinaison. Toutefois, cette inclinaison ne devra pas donner plus de 0.m.50 de sailie sur le parement du mur de façade.
Toute pose d'enseignes devra faire l'objet d'une demande écrite adressée à l'Ingénieur Municipal. Aucune enseigne ne doit être posée à moins de 2m.25 au-dessus du trottoir et à moins de 0.50 de l'alignement de la bordure du trottoir.
[p.2/3] Tout permis délivré, quel que soit le nombre et la catégorie d'enseigne, sera taxé Tls. 0.50.
[p.3/3] Ces taxes sont annuelles et ne peuvent en aucun cas être fractionnées. La taxe annuelle due pour l'année courante sera perçue en même temps que la taxe de permis.
Translation of Letter from French Municipal Council Dated May 20, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1256 (0231-0232).
At its meeting on May 11, 1921, the Council discussed the question of the inauguration of a new regulation and the adoption of a tax on street sign-boards. In this matter of a general nature equally interesting to both Settlements the Council is desirous at the outset of ascertaining the views of the Shanghai Municipal Council.
You will find set out below the chied provisions of the new regulation as well as the amount of tax proposed to be charged according to the several classes of Sign-boards.
This tax is not to be applied to signs placed flat against the walls or even with a slight inclination. However, ths inclination must not project more than 0.50 m from the face of the wall.
All hanging of signboards must be the subject of a written application addressed to the Municipal Engineer.
All signboards must be hung at least 2.25 above the pavement and at least 0.m50 from the edge of the pavement.
All permits granted whatever the number and character of the sign, will be taxed at the rate of Tls. 0.50. Tables of Annual Taxes to be levied for signboards.
[p.2/2] These taxes are Annual and can in no case be divided into fraction.
Commissioner of Public Works to Acting Secretary. "Sign Boards - Letter from the French Municipal Council, dated 20th May 21." Shanghai, May 26, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1256 (0237-0238).
I consider that the additional expenditure which would be incurred by the adoption of the French Council's scheme would not be covered by the fees collected. At present a fee of 50 cents is charged for a permit to erect projecting and other signs, in front of each shop requiring same, irrespective of size and number, provided that the projection in the case of
- Chinese moveable hanging signs, does not exceed the width of the footpath, and that the height is not less that 7 feet 6 inches above the footpath.
- Fixed projected signs, the projection is limited to 3 feet beyond the Building Line, at a height of not less that 11 feet above the footpath.
If it is desired to increase the revenue by the issue of permits for projecting signs without much additional expenditure, I would suggest that an annual feet of $1.00 might be charged each signs over the Municipal footpath. A permit similar to that now used for the erection of sunshades, might be adopted. This suggestion would, I estimate, produce an additional annual revenue of approximately Tls. 3.000 per annum.
At the Ratepayers' Meeting of 1914, authority was given for the collection of a special advertisement rate, but this only applies to signs and hoardings advertising goods other than these sold within the premises of shop on which the sign or hoarding is erected. The annual revenue from this rate has so far been very small, but could, I think, be considerably augmented by increased supervision.
S.M.C. Secretary to French Municipal Council. Shanghai, May 27, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1256 (0239).
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 20, on the subject of new regulations adopted in respect of taxation on street signboards. I have the henour to convey you the Council's thanks for this information, which I am sure will be of such assistance in giving consideration to this question.
Acting Secretary to Commissioner of Public Works. "Signboards." Shanghai, May 27, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1256 (0241).
I have sent a letter to the French Council thanking them for their communication. As to your suggestion that to levy the similar fees would not be worth collecting, I think there is no need to go further into the matter.
With respect to your suggestion as to the manner in which more revenue might be got, it would appear unncessary and undesirable to collect fees other than those for which authority is contained in the Budget. It would seem well, however, to keep the matter by you as a possible means of making more revenue if and when it should be required.
Report No. 9318/1 by Commissioner of Police to Secretary. "Taxation on Signboards." Shanghai, June 3, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1256 (0240).
With reference to a letter from the French Municipal Council dated May 20, 1921, I am of opinion that it would be inadvisable to adopt the tax suggested at the present time when shopkeepers and business people are undergoing a very trying time as a result of trade depression.