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Namellluminated Signboard - Shanghai Horse Bazaar - Cad Lot 442c Avenue Edward VII No.246
Titlellluminated Signboard, Shanghai Horse Bazaar, Edward VII
AuthorShanghai Horse Bazaar & Motors Company (Pratt); Commissioner of Public Works
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (0958-0961)
Repository typeArchive

Shanghai Horse Bazaar & Motors Company, Limited (Acting Secretary) to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, May 16, 1924.  Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (0958). 

In reply to your letter of BB/507 No. 1482A of the 12th instant re : the illuminated sign-board on our premises cad. Lot 442C Avenue Edward VII we shall be much obliged if you will very kindly inform us of the reason for the defective condition of the sign-bard, namely if the sign must not project more than a certain distance into the Municipal roadway or if perhaps it may be allowed to do so provided a yearly rental be paid. We thank you in anticipation for a reply and beg to remain, dear Sir.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Shanghai Horse Bazaar & Motors Company, Limited - "Illuminated Sign Board - General Permit No. 10A - 246 avenue Edward VII - Cad Lot 4420 Central". Shanghai, May 19, 1924.  Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (0960). 

With reference to your letter of the 16th instant, I beg to inform you that the usual clause requiring that the sign board be erected a minimum of eleven feet above and projecting not more that three feet into the M.C.R. was inserted on the permit ; also, that on the 15th ultimo Fr. Pratt was telephoned and informed that this was necessary, vide the Municipal Gazette dated October 7, 1909.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Shanghai Horse Bazaar & Motors Company, Limited. "Illuminated Sign Board - General Permit No. 10A - 246 avenue Edward VII - Cad Lot 442C Central". Shanghai, December 15, 1924.  Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3266 (0961). 

With reference to my letters of 12th and 19th May, and also Telephone message to Dr. Pratt of the 15th May, it reported that nothing has yet been done to alter the sign board so as to comply with Municipal Regulations. I shall be glad if you will kindly give the matter your immediate attention. 

Keywordsautomobile ; hanging ; permit ; projection ; regulation ;
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