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NameElectric & Gas Signs & Lamps. Central District. Capitol Theatre - Cad Lot 7 - Museum Road
TitleClaude Neon Lights, Unauthorized sign on canopy, Capitol Theater
AuthorCapitol Theater; Claude Neon Lights; Commissioner of Public Works;
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0553-0561)
Repository typeArchive

Commissioner of Public Works to Capitol Theater - "Electric Sign - Capitol Theatre - 21 Museum Road - Cad Lot 7 Central District". Shanghai, March 8, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0553).

I beg to inform you that the sign erected on the edge of the canopy at the above location contravenes the conditions regulating the granting of the easement for the erection of such canopy. I have therefore to request that you will kindly have the sign removed forthwith.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Claude Neon Lights. "Electric Sign - Capitol Theatre - 21 Museum Road - Cad Lot 7 Central District". Shanghai, March 8, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0554).

With reference to your application of the 30th October 1929, I beg to inform you that the sign erected at the above location is contrary to the regulations governing the issuance of the permit. I have therefore to request that you will kindly take immediate steps to rectify this matter by re-erecting the sign at least 11 feet above the M.C.R. and not projecting more that 3 feet beyond the building line. 

Claude Neon Lights to Commissioner of Public Works - "Electric Sign - Capitol Theatre - 21 Museum Road - Cad Lot 7 Central District". Shanghai, March 11, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0555-0556).

With reference to your letter of March 8th, we regret that the application for Permit which we submitted to you for this sign did not specify exactly the position required by the sign. The application was sent in as a matter of form by this Office - in compliance with Council regulations - and the specifying for this particular point was overlooked. 

We find upon investigation at our Office that it had been taken for granted that a sign on a marquee could be installed witout special application, since it had been noted that there is sign of some sort at the edge of almost every marquee (marquise, auvent) in Shanghai. It had been more or less taken for granted therefore that the usual applicaiton for Permit would be in order, and it was no doubt overlooked that special permission for this purpose should have first been secured. 

We might point out in this particular instance, that the sign we have erected on the Capitol Theatre marquee does not rest on the marquee itself, but is suspended by means of strong steel bars from the wall of the building. These supports are so constructed that absolutely no weight of the sign rests upon the marquee, and we are sure that you will find this to be so upon inspection. 

With regard to this particular sign also, in order to conform to the design required by the Capitol Theatre, it was necessary for us to cut away a good portion of the bronze metal of the marquee. If this sign were to be removed from the marquee, it would necessitate the re-construction by us of the entire front of the marquee itself. 

(p.2/2) We trust therefore that in view of the situation as outlined above you will permit this sign to remain as it is installed. We assure you that in future applications for Permits for signs to be erected on a marquee in this manner will be specially made in each instance and your permission secured before installing the same.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Claude Neon Lights. "Re: Electric Sign - Capitol Theatre - 21 Museum Road - Cad Lot 7 Central District". Shanghai, March 15, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0557). 

With reference to your letter of the 11th instant (March 1930), I beg to inform you that the Special Clause regulating the minimum height of signs and the maximum projection above the Municipal roads of 11 feet and 3 feet respectively is applicable to all signs. An easement granted for a canopy does not waive this regulation. The condition on the easement for canopies eliminating signs is therefore not for structural reasons. 

In these circumstances I regret being unable to allow the above sign to remain as at present, and shall be glad if you will kindly take immediate steps to have the same removed.

Claude Neon Lights to Commissioner of Public Works. "Re: Electric Sign - Capitol Theatre - 21 Museum Road - Cad Lot 7 Central District". Shanghai, March 18, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0558).

In accordance with the writer's call at your Office this afternoon in conjunction to retain the present Claude Neon sign on the marquee of the Capitol Theatre, 21 Museum Road. 

We are prepared to immedately pay the easement fee in connection with this sign, and are perfectly willing to abide by your regulation should you order us at any furture time to remove the same. 

We make this request in this one instance due to the fact that a very heavy financial investment has been incurred in the installation of this sign, and in order to instal it it was neccessary to cut away a considerable portion of the present marquee. The sign is adequately supported however by means of angle iron and bars fastened to the wall so that the actual weight upon the marquee is negligible. 

In this connection, however, we give you our assurance that no further Claude Neon signs will be installed on marquees in Shanghai without first securing the approval of the Public Works Department for the installation of such signs.

Commissioner of Public Works to Claude Neon Lights. "Capital Theatre". Shanghai, March 20, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0559).

In reply to your letter of March 18th (1930) I beg to infomr you that I have carefully considered this matter and regret that I cannot give permission of the sign to remain in its present position. It is a direct contravention of Municipal Regulations and if permitted a very undesirable precedent would be created and doubtless other applications would be received for the erection of similar signs elsewhere. I would also draw your attention to clause 6 of the permit conditions under which the canopy was erected. This reads as follows: "That no sign boards or advertisements be affixed to the canopy." 

Claude Neon Lights to Commissioner of Public Works - "ATTENTION: MR. J.E. NEEDHAM". Shanghai, March 26, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0560).

With reference to your letter of March 20th (1930) instrucint us to immediately alter the position of the sign on the Capital Thetre marquee, the writer is leaving Shanghai Friday on the s/s PRESIDENT TAFT for a business trip to the United States, and during his absence all matters in connection with Permits, etc. will be taken care of by Mr. Wm Golding of our Office. Since this matter owever, was originally handled between the writer and Mr. C. Harpur, and since Mr. Harpur just before he left for Japan agreed that he would permit us to retain the sign in its present position due to the very great expense which has been incurred in the building and installation of that sign, we will appreciate it very much indeed if you would allow the matter to remain in status quo until the return of Mr. Harpur. 

It may be possible that due to pressure of business just before he left Shanghai, Mr Harpur may not have had time to mention this matter to you. But when Mr. H.D. Rodger and the writer called on Mr. Harpu two days before he sailed, Mr. Harpur assured us that the sign could remain there for the time being upon payment by us of the required easement fee.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Claude Neon Lights. "Capitol Theatre". Shanghai, April 8, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0561).

In reply to your letter of March 26th, I regret that I cannot give permision for the sign to remain for the reasons given in the Deputy Commissioner's letter dated March 20th. 

Commissioner of Public Works to Claude Neon Lights. "Neon Light Signs - Capitol Theatre - Museum & Soochow Roads - Cad Lot 7 - Central". Shanghai, June 28, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3262 (0562).  

With reference to my previous notification concerning the removal of the above signs, I have now to inform you that unless this structure be removed within five days it will be demolished by this Department without further notification. 

Keywordscanopy ; depression ; entertainment ; ; exception ; expense ; neon ; permit ; regulation ; safety ; theater ; trip ; United States
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