Claude Neon Light to French Municipal Administration. Shanghai, 4 avril 1929. Source: SMA (FC) U38-4-1113 (1010).
We have been requested by the Standard Oil Company of New York to erect a Claude Neon electric sign on the premises of a service station at the junction of Avenue Foch and Manila Road. The location of the sign will be on the roof of that building and sign will be 13 ft. in length and 5 1/2 ft. in width. The attached sketch also shows the lettering and the design. This sign will be constructed of sheet metal and reinforced with suitable angle iron to insure a strong durable sign of fine appearance and absolute safety. We will therefore thank you for permission to erect such a sign at that address upon its completion.
You are, no doubt, familiar with this form of illumination, and this corporation is engaged in the manufacture of like signs and other forms of illumination based on the method of Georges Claude, the famous French scientist, to whom we pay a royalty for the use of is patent. We sent you a pamphlet under separate cover which may be of interest to you, and you will see from it the wide use of Georges Claude's special process in France, England and America, and the advantages given by us to our customers in the Orient. We have been given the sole right to use Georges Claude's patented process in the Far East and will make other requests of you for permits from time to time and trust that the foregoing description of the sign requested by the Standard Oil Company meets your requirements.
Rapport I. 714/A du Conducteur (Architecture, Services des Constructions Particulières) à l'Ingénieur en Chef. Shanghai, 16 avril 1929. Source: SMA (FC) U38-4-1113 (1009).
A la suite de notre visite du bâtiment de la station à gazoline angle avenue Foch et Manila Road, nous avons l'honneur de vous rendre compte que cette station se trouve sur le terrain appartenant à la Concession Internationale.