1079 documents
1054/1079 results        
NameBuildings - Neon Lights Signs - General. Northern District. Nose Dragon & Company
TitleNose Dragon & Co, Removal of Neon Sign
AuthorNose Dragon & Co; Commissioner of Public Works
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1502-1509)
Repository typeArchive

Commissioner of Public Works Department to The Occupant, 207 Boone Road. "Unauthorized Building Operation, Cadastral Lot 1053 Norther District". Shanghai, May 7, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1506). 

It is reported that the following work has carried out without a permit and contrary to the Building Rules. A Neon light sign erected projecting more than 3 feet over the Municipal Road.
I have therefore to inform you that unless the unauthorized work complained of be removed within seven days of to-day's date, it will be desmolished by this Department by virtue of the powers conferred on the Council under Land Regulation number XXX.  

Translation No. 2487 of letter from Nose Dragon & Co. to Commissioner of Public Works. "Your letter 7769." Shanghai, May 28, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1504).  
With reference to the above letter we have to inform you that the neon light sign fronting our premises has now been duly altered to meet your requirements. We shall be glad to hear of any steps being taken by your Department in respect of a neon light sign fronting No. 217 in this road which projects over the Municipal Road more than 6 feet. 

Commissioner of Public Works to Nose Dragon & Co - "Unauthorized Neon Light sign - No. 217 Boone Road - Cad 1053 Northern". Shanghai, June 9, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1508). 

With further reference to my communication dated the 7th May requesting you to remove an unauthorized Neon light sign which was projecting more than 3 feet over the Municipal road and your reply thereto dated the 28th May stating that the sign had been removed, I beg to inform you that on making an inspection I find that your statement is not correct. I shall be obliged if you will have the sign removed immediately otherwise it will be removed by this Department without any further notification. 



Keywordscontravention ; neon ; projection ; regulation ; removal ;
1054/1079 results        
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