Union Brewery, Limited to Public Works Department. Shanghai, April 17, 1936. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1512-1513).
Your letter No. 2210 to the Eastern Neon Light Company, 441 Bubbling Well Road, has been forwarded to us, as the owners of the sign to which you have taken objection, 20 Bubbling Well Road. We have compared the sign with others in the neighbourhood and are at a loss to understand why ours should be selected for removal when other signs projecting considerably further over the pavement are allowed to remain.
If we have committed any breach or formality concerning a permit for this obstruction please accept our apologies for the oversigh, and error which we shall be only too happy to rectify.
Commissioner of Public Works to Union Brewery, Limited - "Neon Light Sign - 361 Broadway East - Cad Lot 57 Eastern". Shanghai, April 24, 1936. SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1514).
With reference to your letter dated the 17th inst. I beg to inform you that an application for a permit to erect a Neon Light sign at the above premises was made by the Eastern Neon Light Company on the 18th ult. (March 1936) and as the sketch accompanying the application form indicated that the sign would be erected to comply with the Council's Regulatiosn a permit was issued.
On making an inspection of the premises on the 2nd instant, it was noticed that the sign had not been erected in accordance with the sketch submitted and that it was projecting 5 feet over the Municipal road, hence my communication No.2210A dated the 2nd instant to the Eastern Neon Light Company.
With reference to your remarks regarding other signs in the immediate neighborhood which do not comply with the Council's regulations, I would inform you that steps have already been taken by this Department to have such sign conform to the Regulations. Your representative called at this office about a week agoe and discussed this matter, and promised to have the sign in question re-erected so that the proejction over the Municipal road does not exceed 3 feet.