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NameBuildings - Neon Lights Signs - General. Western District. Majestic Motors - "Neon Light Sign - 1460 Bubbling Well Road - Cad Lot 2811 Western
TitleMajestic Motors, Unauthorized Neon Sign
AuthorMajestic Motors; Shanghai Power Company; Commissioner of Public Works
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1542-1546)
Repository typeArchive

Majestic Motors to Public Works Department. Shanghai, June 28, 1939.  Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1543). 

About a month ago we have had a certain electric firm to install neon lights on the outside wall of our showroom at 1460 Bubbling Well Road. This electric firm promised that they have applied for the license from you, and that they take full responsibility to get it for us. 

It seems that the work has not been properly executed. Furthermore they connected the wiring with the light meter. It is too heavy a burden for the light meter to supply current both to the lights and to the neon lights. 

We have paid them 50% to their charge amounting over $300.00. They should have submitted to you their plan for your approval before they started work. We shall appreciate it very much if you will let us know whether or not you will grant license for the above installation. If not, then we will have to make this electric firm to pay back to us the above sum which we have already paid them and to make them pay us other damages. Hoping you will take prompt action on the above matter.  

Building-Surveyor Report. Shanghai, July 3, 1939. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1545). 

The work was completed before the application submitted and reported as unauthorized. GP 4816 was issued on 29/6/39.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Majestic Motors. "Neon Light Sign - 1460 Bubbling Well Road - Cad Lot 2811 Western". Shanghai, July 8, 1939. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1546). 

Further to my Notification No.4544 of the 19th May and in reply to your letter of the 26th June, I have to inform you that a permit has now been issued covering the above work. With regard to the electric wiring I would suggest that you take this matter up with the Shanghai Power Company. 

Keywordselectric ; garage ; meter ; neon ; permit ; responsibility ; showroom ; western ;
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