1079 documents
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NameBuildings - Neon Lights Signs - General. Western District. Miao Kay-Pah
TitleMiao Kay-Pah c/o Vong Shing & Co, Refugee Relief Lottery, Demolition of Neon Sign
AuthorMiao Kay-Pah; Vong Shing & Company; Ma Hong Kun; Ying Sung Company; Commissioner of Public Works
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1547-1550)
Repository typeArchive

Miao Kay-Pah c/o Ma Hong Kun (Vong Shing & Co). Shanghai, February 1, 1940. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1548). 

My client, Mr. Ma Hong Kun manager of Vong Shing & Company, sole distributor of the Refugees Relief Lottery contracted with the Ying Sung Company for the erection of a neon light advertisement on the roof of Cad. Lot 1320 Yu Ya Ching Road, And it was also agreed that the employee was to be responsible for the approval of plans in connection wit the above framework. 

My client was surprised when the Ying Sung Company presented him you letter No. 1429A stating that the framework would be demolished by your Department. The Lottery will be drawn on February 5 and the neon light sign gives great effect to the sale of the tickets. Should the advertisement be removed the sale of tickets would be seriously affected, thereby lessening the refugee fund. My client has no previous communication with your Department and has therefore asked me to beseech your permission to detain the demolishment till Feb 6, morning by which time my client is prepared to remove the structure by the money yet unpaid to the employees and a new framework be erected in accordance with the approved plans. Hoping you wil kindly grant this request.  

Keywordsconflict ; contract ; demolition ; lawsuit ; moratory ; neon ; lottery ; permit ; refugee ; relief ; responsibility ; war ; western ;
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