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NameInventory of the Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
TitlePreliminary Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (Record Group 151)
AuthorHoldcamper, Forrest R. (comp.), General Services Administration, National Archives and Records Service, The National Archives
CollectionNational Archives and Record Administration (NARA) [USA], Department of Commerce
Sub collectionRecords of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
Reference NumberRG151
Repository typeArchive




  • General records
  • Records of the Marketing Laws Survey and its successor, the Marketing Laws Unit
  • Records of the National Committee for Wood Utilization
  • Records of the Timber Conservation Board 
  • Records of the Interdepartemental Committee on Shipping Policy and Ocean Mail Contracts
  • Cartographic records
    • US maps
    • Maps of other countries 
  • Photographic records
  • Records of doubtful value listed here to facilitate disposal consideration 

Classification of Correspondence for filing - Third Revision : 1927


Includes a brief history of the Bureau as an institution, its organization into departments (especially commodities), its classification system, and NARA's successive inventories between 1963 and 2005. 

This is only a partial reproduction, focused on China and the files I have consulted. 

The commodities classification system is available in a separate Excel sheet. 

Keywordscommerce ; China ; inventory
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