Special Report No. S-60. Shanghai, China. June 7, 1939. 14p
(Required Report, Reference, Forest Products Division's letter dated March 30, 1939)
- Production of Wood Pulp
- Uses of Imported Wood Pulp in China
- Domestic Materials Used in the Manufacture of Hand-Made or "Chinese Paper"
- Demande for Imported Pulp and Sources of Supply
- Chemical Pulp
- Mechanical Pulp (Dry)
- Mechanical Pulp (Wet)
- Import Distribution
- Kinds of Pulp Preferred
- Wood Pulp Stocks on Hand at End of 1938
- Stocks on Hand at Present (End May, 1939)
- Prices
- Present Condition of Chinese Paper Mills
- Import Tariff
- Statistics (Chinese Maritime Customs Returns)
- Imports of Wood Pulp into China, by types of products (Chemical, Mechanical Dry, Mechanical Wet), and by countries of origin
- Imports of Wood Pulp into Shanghai, by types of products (Chemical, Mechanical Dry, Mechanical Wet), and by countries of origin
- Sources of information (list of firms, with their local address in Shanghai)