1079 documents
647/1079 results        
NameForeign Trade Commission report
TitleReport of Foreign Trade Commission, October 1937, to December 1939
AuthorArnold, Julean, Commercial Attache, Shanghai
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionRecords Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Peiping), 1938, Box 128
Reference NumberEntry 14, Box 128
Repository typeArchive

Economic and Trade Note No. E-18. Shanghai, China. December 7, 1939 - 4p

Compiled information gelaned from a report of the resume of an executive of the Foreign Trade Commission of the Mininstry of Finance, as furnished to the Office of Commercial Attache by Dr. Cato Young, Chungking. 


Records Relating to Commercial Attaches' Reports, China (Peiping), 1938, Box 128, folder "Foreign Service - Copies of Reports - Peiping - 1939 - November - December", p.291-294



Keywordsreport ; commercial attache ; special ; Beijing ; Shanghai ; trade ; foreign ; governement ; commission ;
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