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NameJunior Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
TitleLiterature re Junior Chambers of Commerce
AuthorArnold, Julean, Commercial Attache, Shanghai; Thorp, Willard L., Dr., Director, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D.C.; Wilson, F.S., Domestic Commerce Division;
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionInstitutions and Associations, Commercial Organizations, Commercial Organizations Abroad, 713.2, Foreign (General, China)
Reference NumberEntry 1, File Class 713.2, Box 2837
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence dated April-May 1934, in connection with the proposed formation of a Junior Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai: 

  • Letter dated April 19, 1934 from Commercial Attache, Shanghai, to Director of the Bureau, Washington, on the subject of "Literature re Junior Chambers of Commerce " - requesting appropriate materials from the United States Chamber of Commerce (especially a booklet entitled "How to Organize a Chamber of Commerce") and San Francisco Chamber of Commerce that could help an American resident (Dr. J.K. Christie) to organize a junior Chamber of Commerce aimed to include young men of varied nationalities - 1p 
  • Letter dated May 24, 1934, from Domestic Commerce Division, Washington, to Commercial Attache, Shanghai,  on the subject of "Literature re Junior Chambers of Commerce " - transmitting several publications of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce relative to the organization of Chambers of Commerce - 1p

Institutions and Associations, Commercial Organizations, Commercial Organizations Abroad, 713.2, Foreign (General, China), Box 2837, folder "Commercial Organization Abroad - Foreign - China - 1918-1945", p.82-83


KeywordsTrade ; institution ; organization ; association ; Chamber of Commerce ; Shanghai ; booklet ; handbook ; literature ; San Francisco ; circulation ; information ; American ; youth ;
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