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NameDairen (Dalian) Chamber of Commerce's request for exchange of publications
TitleRequest for Exchange of Publications
AuthorWilliams, Frank S., American Commercial Attache, Tokyo;
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionInstitutions and Associations, Commercial Organizations, Commercial Organizations Abroad, 713.2, Foreign (General, China)
Reference NumberEntry 1, File Class 713.2, Box 2837
Repository typeArchive

Letter dated May 4, 1935, from Commercial Attache in Tokyo, to Committee on Publications, on the subject of "Request for Exchange of Publications", transmitting the Dairen Chamber of Commerce's request to exchange publications by the Bureau for their monthly report - and suggesting that the Bureau's "Survey of Current Business" would suit the Dairen Chamber of Commerce - 1p 


Institutions and Associations, Commercial Organizations, Commercial Organizations Abroad, 713.2, Foreign (General, China), Box 2837, folder "Commercial Organization Abroad - Foreign - China - 1918-1945", p.84


KeywordsTrade ; institution ; organization ; association ; Chamber of Commerce ; Dalian ; Manchuria ; Japan ; Tokyo ; circulation ; monthly ; report ;
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