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NameMilk condensing plant in Canton
TitlePossibility of successful operation of a milk condensing plant in Canton, China. Milk Condensing Plant in Canton, China
AuthorHollingshead, R.S., Assistant Chief, Foodstuffs Division, Washington, D.C; Cricher, A. Lane, Chief, Transportation Division;
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionDairy Products 360, Dairy P. (Sweden) - 361, Milk (Columbia)
Reference NumberEntry 1, File Class 360-361, Box 1606
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence dated February 1931, in connection with the a proposed milk condensing plant in Canton: 

  • Letter dated February 24, 1931, from the Foodstuffs division, to the San Francisco office, on the subject of "Possibility of successful operation of a milk condensing plant in Canton" - requesting information on condensed milk in Canton, on behalf of the Jensen Creamery Machinery Company, Incorporated, Oakland, California - regretting that the greater part of data on condensed milk in China comes from Shanghai, and the subsequent lack of milk data from Canton, and fowarding the copy of a report dated May 22, 1928, by Assistant Trade Commissioner Granvill Woodward at Shanghai on the market for condensed, evaporated and powdered milk in China - refering to a Trade Information Bulleting #771 entitled "Far Eastern Markets for Dairy Equipment and Supplies" which suggests that the prospects for the successful operation of a condensed milk plant in Canton do not appear to be particularly good, and requesting to be furnished with a list of the specific points which the company might want covered in case the operation of a milk condensing plant is to be taken - 2p 
  • Letter dated June 18, 1931, from Chief, Transportation Division, to San Francisco Office, on the subject of "Milk Condensing Plant in Canton, China" - forwarding a list of reports pertaining to transportation facilities in China in answer to the inquirey made by the Jensen Creamery Machinery Company, Inc., Oakland, California - 1p 

Dairy Products 360, Dairy P. (Sweden) - 361, Milk (Columbia), Box 1606, folder "Dairy Products - Milk - China (361)", p.20-22

Keywordsfoodstuff ; milk ; dairy ; condensed ; plant ; California ; Canton ;
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