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NameMilk imports into China
AuthorAmerican Milk Products Corporation, New York; Birgfeld, Clarence E., Acting in Charge, Canned Foods Section, Foodstuffs Division;
CollectionNARA, General records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionDairy Products 360, Dairy P. (Sweden) - 361, Milk (Columbia)
Reference NumberEntry 1, File Class 360-361, Box 1606
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence dated August 1930, in connection with the American Milk Products Corporation's request for data on milk imports into China : 

  • Letter dated August 22, 1930, from the the American Milk Products Corporation, New York, to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D.C. - requesting to be supplied with the 1929 figures as shown by the Chinese Maritime Customs for the evaporated and condensed milk going into China - 1p 
  • Letter dated August 28, 1930 from the Canned Foods Section, Foodstuffs Division, to the American Products Corporation - replying that the figures have not been received yet - 1p 



Dairy Products 360, Dairy P. (Sweden) - 361, Milk (Columbia), Box 1606, folder "Dairy Products - Milk - China (361)", p.18-19

Keywordsfoodstuff ; milk ; dairy ; condensed ; evaporated ; import ; custom ; figure ;
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