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NameMemorandum regarding the Retirement benefits of the American employees of the International Settlement at Shanghai, China
TitleRetired American employees at the Shanghai Municipal Council (SMC)
AuthorFranklin, Cornell S. (Chairman of SMC); Bryan, Robert T., Jr. (Former Municipal Advocate & Legal Adviser, SMC)
CollectionHoover Archives
Sub collectionAlonzo Bland Calder Papers (1911-1956), Box 42
Repository typeArchive

Memorandum regarding the Retirement benefits of the American employees of the International Settlement at Shanghai, China. December 1, 1950. Preceded by a brief statement - 28p. 

Includes a list of former American SMC employees with their current address in the United States, arranged by alphabetical order of states, and a schedule of pensions.

Also incldes the Bill for the Relief of American Employees, submitted by Mr. Widnall, April 28, 1953. 4p

KeywordsUnited States ; Shanghai Municipal Council ; International Settlement ; retirement ; postwar ; elite ; reconversion
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