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NameAdvertising Boards & Hoardings. Millington, Ltd. 5. Nanking Road & Kiangse Road. Cad Lot 164A
TitleBillboards on building site in place of bamboo fence: Millington c/o Shanghai Power Co.
AuthorMillington, Ltd; Shanghai Municipal Council (Public Works Department); Shanghai Power Company, Weeks & Company;
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives (SMA)
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council (SMC)
Reference NumberU1-3255 (1793-1810)
Repository typeArchive

Advertising Boards & Hoardings. Millington, Ltd. 5 - Nanking Road & Kiangse Road - Cad Lot 164A. 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1793-1810).

Letter from Deputy Secretary to Acting Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, January 9, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1793).

The accompanying letter from Millington Limited is sent to your for comment and as it seems to be a matter that might be dealty with in conjunction with the proposed advertisement rules, I shall be glad to discuss it is necessary with Mr. Young as early as possible.  

Letter from Millington to Secretary. Shanghai, January 8, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1794).

In response to your telephonic request, we should be grateful if you would obtain permission for the Shanghai Power Company to erect first class hoarding in place of a bamboo fence round Messrs. Weeks & Company's building when demolition commences for these offices next month.

As you know, it is the usual custom to permit the contractor to erect a fence 3 feet outside the existing building line. The Power Company wish to have permission to erect Boards all round their site on both Kiangse and Nanking roads. They guarantee to put back this Hoarding as soon as the foundations are finished to behind the present building line. They do not wish, however, to lose the rental value of the Hoardings during demolition process, and they feel that it would be very much better from an aesthetic point of view, if Hoardings are erected in place of the usual bamboo fence. 

Letter from Millington to Secretary. Shanghai, January 18, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1795-1798).

In reply to your telephone message yesterday, we would wish to point out as Consultant to the Council, that the continued refusal on the part of the Public Works Department to grant permission to Advertising Agencies as a body to erect Hoardings in lieu of bamboo fences before buildings in the course of demolition is creating a very serious position with some of the agents in this city. We trust that the matter will be placed before the Works Committee for their careful consideration, and that the Following facts will be pointed out to them: 

1. A well-designed and carefully built hoarding which has met with the approval of the Public Work Building Surveyor is by far and away better protection for the public than a bamboo fence.

2. Such a Hoarding could be erected in a night, as those we are putting up at the moment consist of steel bars with reinforced, concrete bases to which the Boards are bolted. The Boards are made in four sections and these can be fitted together very rapidly, so that there would be no obstruction to traffic as they could be erected in one night when traffic was not there. No work would be carried on during the day time.

The demolition of these premises and the putting down of the foundation will take at least three months, during which revenue could be derived for the Municipal Council from these Hoardings in the form of a tax.

We propose with the permission of the Council, to place Hoardings above the gantry which will be erected over the footpath during building operations. We understood that no Hoardings could be erected along the Kiangse Road side, but we have already had offers for spaces on the Nanking Road. We would guarantee to remove as the whole structure is simply a matter of nuts and bolts. It could be put back and completed in twelve hours, so that no obstruction to traffic would occur. The main point at issue is the objection raised by the P.W.D. to erecting boards in place of bamboo fences. We agree with the if we erected boards the old fashioned plan and not the up-to-date one of bolting them together, and in any case, if permission is granted to us, we would only erect during the night and not during the day. We wish to obtain permission not only for ourselves, but also for any other Advertising Agency who may happen to be placed in the same position. The Shanghai Power Company would be extremely grateful if this permission be granted, as the appearance in front of their building would be so much better and they would be able to advertise themselves for a long period in the most suitable position in this city.  

Letter to Secretary from Acting Commissioner of Public Works - "Advertising Hoardings round Cad. Lot 164A - Letter to Deputy Secretary from F.C. Millington dated 8/1/30 - Reference 1641." Shanghai, January 20, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1799).

With reference to the above request to erect first class hoardings in place of the bamboo fence round the above site during the demolition of the premises in preparation of the erection of the Shanghai Power Company's new buildings, I recommend. As the demolition of the premises on the above lot need only take a very short time it is thought inadvisable to allow a substantial structure in the way of hoarding on the Nanking Road as this would mean longer time in both erection and removal, thus obstructing the traffic. In view of the congestion of the Kiangse Road it will be necessary to erect a gantry over the footpath during building operations precluding the possibility of erecting hoardings along this side of the building.

There would be no objection to the advertising hoardings being erected along the Nanking Road frontage to the old building line after the buildings have been demolished. I do not consider the expense entailed in getting back further that the old building line advisable, as the property on the west would project thirty feet in front and only free parking space would be provided. 

Letter to Millington from Deputy Secretary. Shanghai, February 15, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1800).

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letters of January 8 and 18 requesting a permit to erect advertising hoardings in place a bamboo fence on the Kiangse and Nanking Road frontages of Messrs. Weeks & Company's premises on Cadastral Lot 164A on commencement of demolition of the buildings.

In reply, I am directed to inform you that the Council has decided that as soon as a permit has been issued for the demolition of these premises a permit may be issued for the erection of hoardings on the Naking Road frontage on the following conditions

(a) All work in connection with the erection or removal of the hoardings shall be carried out between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

(b) The hoardings shall be completely removed within three days or receiving due notice from the Council

(c) The design and position of the proposed hoardings whall be submitted to the Commissioner of Public Works for his approval. 

I am further directed to state that the Council would be willing to consider the issue of a permit for the erection of a hoarding above the gantry which will be erected on the Kiangse Road frontage. If this is desired place thereof should be submitted through the Commissioner of Public Works for consideration. 

Copy of Minutes of Works Committee Meeting - Held on Tuesday the 21st January 30 - "Advertisement Hoardinfs on Cad. Lot 16 at the corner of Kiangse and Nanking Roads". Shanghai, January 21, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1801).

Advertisement Hoardings on Cad Lot 164A at the Corner of Kiangse & Nanking Roads. In correspondence submitted Messrs. Millington request permission to erect advertisement hoardings affixed to re-inforced concrete bases in lieu of the usual bamboo fence around the above property which has been purchased by the Shanghai Power Company and will be demolished shortly. From details submitted by Messrs. Millington, members note it is claimed that a hoarding such as proposed would offer more adequate protection to the public than a bamboo fence and that it could be erected in one night.

In comment on this, an application which was received prior to the latest detailed proposals being submitted by Messrs. Millington, the Acting Commissioner of Public Works states that as the demolition of these premises need only take a very short time he regards it as inadvisable to allow a substantial hoarding on Nanking Road as this would require longer time both in erection and removal thus obstructing traffic. In view of the congestion in Kiangse Road it will be necessary to erect a gantry over the footpath during building operations precluding the possibility of erecting hoarding on this side to the advertisement hoarding being erected on the Nanking Road frontage on the old building line after the building has been demolished.

The Chief Assistant Engineer is somewhat skeptical as to Messrs. Millington contention that the proposed hoarding could be erected or removed in one night, but provided that permission for the erection of the hoarding is not granted until the permit has been issued for the demolition of the building, he sees no reason why this proposal should not be complied with. With regard to the erection of a hoarding on Kiangse Road, a member enquires whether if Messrs. Millington can satisfy the Public Works Department that such can be satisfactorily erected above the proposed gentry, this proposal would be opposed. The Chief Assistant Engineer replies that if this proves to be the case there would be no departmental objection.

After discussion members endorse the recommendation of the Chief Assistant Engineer that the applciation for the erection of a hoarding in Nanking Road be approved subject to work thereon being undertaken during the night hours that same be removed within nights if so required by the Council after the expiration of one month, that the design of the proposed hoarding be approved by the P.W.D. and that permission for the erection of the hoarding be not granted until the permit of the demolition of the premises on this site has been issued.

The Deputy Secretary informs members that with the object of eliminated anomalies new rules governing the conditions under which advertisement hoardings, boards etc. can be erected are now being prepared which will cover such applciation on that now under consideration. 

Letter to Oriental Advertising Agency from Deputy Secretary. Shanghai, March 12, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1802-1803).

I have to acknowledge recipt or your letter of March 11, protesting against the permission granted for the erection of advertising hoardings on Cadastral Lot 164A at the corner of Kiangse and Nanking Roads. 

The application in the case was submitted to the Council and decided on its particular merits and approved subject to certain conditions and particularly subject to the work being undertaken during the night hours and the hoardings removed forthwith at the request of the Council and the proposed hoardings be approved by the Public Works Department and that permit for the erection of the hoardings be not grated until the permit for the demolition of the premises has been issued. The matter of advertising hoardings has been one of considerable difficulty and no regulations in this respect have been made the subject of a Municipal notification.  

(p.2/2) In order, however, to eliminate anomalies, new rules governing the conditions under which advertising hoardings and boards can be erecte are being prepared and will be published as soon as they have been approved by the Council.  

Letter from Millington to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, March 14, 1930. SSource: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1804).

In reply to your letter of March 14th, we beg to advise that :

1. If hoardings exceed the agreed height they can only do so by a few inches, as the posts are only 19,5 feet.

3. Ladders projecting 5 feet into the carriage way belong to the painters and not to the erectors of the hoardings. We never guaranteed to paint the boards at night, only to erect them. We regret that this was not understood otherwise we should have told you in the beginning that it was our intention to paint during the daytime after erection.

We would like to know your proposals as to how the matter can be avoided in future, so that we may comply with your wishes. The works on erection of the boards was all done during the night, as promised.  

Letter to Millington from Commissioner of Public Works - "Re: advertising Hoardings - Cad. 164A Central". Shanghai, March 18, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1805).

With reference to your letter of the 14th inst. I beg to inform you that the hoardings complained of exceed the permissible height by more than 3 feet. As the location is a congested one no action is intended to be taken, but when the hoardings are rebuilt to the old building line, this must be rectified and the work carried out including the painting of the hoardings during the night hours only.  
Copy of Minutes of Works Committee Meeting - Held on Tuesday the 18 January 30 - "Kiangse Roads - Erection of Hoardings". Shanghai, March 18, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1806).

Nanking Road - Erection of Hoardings. In connection with the permission recently granted by the Council for the erection of an advertisement hoarding during the demolition of the building on Cadastral Lot 164A Nanking and Kiangse Roads, Mr. Massey draws attention to the obstruction caused by the ladders utilised for the painting of these hoardings. Members agree that when they recommended approval of this paplciation they were under the impression that these hoardings would be painted before being erected and they desire to place on record their view that in the case of future applications to erect hoardings on congested thoroughfares this should be made a condition of the grant of the necessary permit.

Extract from Municipal Gazette dated April 4, 1930 - "Nanking Road - Erection of Hoardings". Shanghai, April 4, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1807).

Excerpts from Minutes. Nanking Road - Erection of Hoardings. In connection with the permission recently granted by the Council for the erection of an advertisement hoarding during the demolition of the building on Cadastral Lot 164A, Nanking and Kiangse Roads, a mamber draws attention to the the obstruction caused by the ladders utilised for the painting of these hoardings. Members agree that when they recommended approval of this application they were under the impression that these hoardings would be painted before being erected and they desire to place on record their view that in the case of future applications to erect hoardings on congested thoroughfares this should be made a condition of the grant of the necessary permit.

The meeting terminates at 5.25 p.m.

Letter to Millington from Commissioner of Public Works - "Re: advertising Hoardings - Cad. 164A Central". Shanghai, April 7, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1808).

With reference to the above hoardings, I have to request that you will kindly have same set back to the building line within three days from today's date in accordance with the conditions under which the permit was issued. 

Letter to Commissioner of Public Works from Shanghai Power Company. Shanghai, April 10, 1930. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3255 (1809).

Confirming the undersigned's telephonic conversation yesterday, we have arranged with our architect so that the hoardings at the site of our new offices at the junction of Kiangse and Naking Roads shall be set back to the new building line, subject to the latitude provided under the building Reulations in respect of the period of construction. 

I shall be glad if you will kindly arrange to let us have a cheque in respect of compensation already agreed upon in the matter of surrender of land at this site. 

Keywordsaesthetics ; artistic ; safety ; consultant ; agency ; building site ; bamboo ; night ; traffic ; Central district ; business ; rhythm ; landscape ; taxation ; public works ; telephone ; negotiation ;
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