Letter from Acheson E. Lucey to French Municipal Council Secretary. Shanghai, July 4, 1932. Source: SMA (FC), U38-4-1113 (0955-0956).
We wish to file application for a franchise which will give us the sole privilege of operating a company which will construct and erect specially designed pillars to indicate tram and bus stops throughout the principle tram and bus routes in the French Concession. The following is a brief outline of our proposal:
The pillars will be constructed of metal, imbedded in concrete, as per attached blue print. The lower section of the pillar will be of metal design and so constructed as to increased the stability of the entire pillar. The top section of the pillar is divided into 18 spaces, 2 or 3 spaces of which will be offered to the disposal of the authorities for the printing of tram and bus time tables, and for the indication of nearest hospital, fire department, police station and other matters of public interest in emergencies. It is suggested that a section of the pillar be used to contain a telephone for the use of the police. This section would be locked and under the direct control of the French Concession police.
The remaining sections are to be used by us for advertising purposes. From sunset until midnight or later in certain districts, the pillars will be illuminated from the inside. The lighting effects will be so arranged as to not conflict with existing traffic signals. The lighting will make for better visilibility during darkness hours in indicating tram and bus stops. In this respect we wish to call to your attention the fact that the pillar as designed by us will be a distinct contribution to the civic beauty of Shanghai, and furthermore will serve as an invaluable convenience to the public of indicating tram and bus stops which are difficult to locate at present, for people unfamiliar with the tram and bus routes.
We understand that a franchise of a similar nature was granted to a company several years ago (Compagnie française de réclames lumineuses en 1929 ?). This company, we understand, forfeited their rights by not complying with the terms on which the franchise was granted.
We are constructing a sample pillar of the design submitted herewith, and we would be pleased to erect this at the direction and in compliance with the rules of your Traffic Department, in order to obtain the approval of this Department.
We would appreciate the opportunity of furnishing you with detailed explanation any time at your convenience. There are many details supplementary to the foregoing brief outline and we would greatly appreciate the favour of an interview.
Rapport [dévaforable] des Services de Police. Shanghai, 8 juillet, 1932. Source: SMA (FC), U38-4-1113 (0951).
Avis des Services de Police. Avis défavorable. Le 30 Novembre 1931, la Commission Municipale a refusé une demande analogue qui lui a été adressée par la Compagnie Metropolitan Advertisement.
Rapport du Chef du Bureau des Permis [Transmission du dossier à la Commission Municipale]. Shanghai, 13 juillet, 1932. Source: SMA (FC), U38-4-1113 (0954).
C'est à la Commission d'Administration Municipale sele de décider cette question qui a trait : 1° - à l'établissement d'un monopole
2° - à en encombrement complémentaire des trottoirs.
Extraits des décisions de la Commission du 26 septembre 1932 - Séance du Comité des Travaux du 17 août 1932. Shanghai, 17 août 1932 et 26 septembre 1932. Source: SMA (FC), U38-4-1113 (0948).
Le Comité regrette de ne pouvoir transmettre favorablement une demande de Mr. A.E. LUCEY en date du 4 juillet 1932 pour l'installation sur les trottoirs de la Concssion Française de poteaux réclames lumineux. La Commission décide de ne pas accorder l'autorisation sollicitée par Mr. Lucey d'installer des poteaux réclames lumineux sur les trottoirs de la Concession française.