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NameCensorship of films, hoardings and other forms of advertising
TitleMunicipal Notification No. 4028, 4044, 5499
AuthorShanghai Municipal Council; Commissioner of Police; Commissioner of Public Works; Treasurer; Municipal Advocate; Secretary;
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0397-0422)
Repository typeArchive

Municipal Notification No. 4044 - Advertisement Hoardings. Shanghai, December 30, 1930. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0422). 

Municipal Notification No. 4028 - Advertisements. Shanghai, December 28, 1933. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0421). 

Commissioner of Police to Secretary & Commissioner General - Municipal Notification No.4044 - Advertisement Hoardings. Shanghai, May 20, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0420).

I have to recommend that the following two additional clauses be included in Municipal Notification No. 4428 in regard to advertisements: 
(1) That advertisements relating to stage plays, film or other form of entertainment be submitted to S.M.C. for censorship before exhibition. 
(2) That no matter of an offensive or immoral nature or matter liable to be prejudicial to the presevation of peace and good order be advertised. 

Commissioner of Public Works to  Secretary & Commissioner General - "Municipal Notification No.4044 - Advertisement Hoardings - Report of Commissioner of Police dated 20/5/41 - Ref. M13/3". Shanghai, May 27, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0419).

I have no comment to make. 

Municipal Notification No. 5433 - Advertisements. Shanghai, April 21, 1941. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0417).

Notice is hereby given that the following revised scale of fee has been approved and will be enforced from July 1, 1941 (See Excel Sheet - 3381)

Acting Deputy Treasurer-Revenue to Secretary & Commissioner General - "Memorandum dated May 20, from the Commissioner of Police." Shanghai, May 29, 1941. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0416).

Notifications No. 4044 and 4428 to which reference is made cover merely revisions in the scale of rates applicable to outdoor advertisements, the latest press publication in this respect being Notification No.5433, dated April 21, 1941. 
In the circumstances I suggest that the purpose of the above mentioned memorandum would best be served if the clauses contained therin, designed to prohibit the display of undesirable advertisements, were published under a separate notification at regular intervals or at the discretion of the Commissioner of Police. 
With reference to Clause (2), would it not be desirable to designate the exact place where advertisements should be submitted for censorship?

Commissioner of Police to Secretary & Commissioner General - "Your File No. M13/3 - Letter from Deputy Treasurer - Revenue dated May 29, 1941 - Advertisements Hoardings." Shanghai, June 13, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0415).

I am of the opinion that the suggested publicaiton of a separate notification at regular intervals in unnecessary and I would suggest that strict control can be exercised if the condition is made a clause of the permit. As to clause (a) I recommend that the wording be amended to read: 
(a) That advertisements relating to stage plays, films or other form of entertainment be submitted to S.M. Police, Special Branch, for censorship before exhibition. 

Commissioner of Public Works to  Secretary & Commissioner General - Annual Revision to Licence Conditions - "Letter form Comisioner of Police dated 13/6/41 - Your Letter I M13/3 dated 16/5/41." Shanghai, June 23, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0414).

As the application for a permit is usually the contractor responsible for the erection of the hoarding, who is not concerned with its subsequent use, the inclusion of the proposed clause referring to the nature of advertisements would not serve the purpose intended. 
I have no further suggestions to make regarding the revision of Licence Conditions.  

Remarks to Mr. Allan (undated). Shanghai (June 1941?). Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0413).

REMARKS. (To) Mr. Allan. The Commissioner of Police desires to control the nature of advertisement hoardings.  His first suggestion was that te clauses he proposed should be inclued in the notification re Special Advertisement Rate. This was obvioulsy out of place and a lter proposal to include the clauses on the P.W.D permit also proves inadvisable (see Works report attached). 
I can only suggest that you consult the Municipal Advocate unless the S. & C.G. can suggest means of bringing these regulations into effect. 

Memorandum to Assistant Secretary (Mr. Lang) (handwritten). Shanghai, June 28, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0412).

The Commissioner of Police made two suggestion in his first report: Will not the permit be ??? by a ??? in the licenses of places of entertainment and the second regarding a statement that the Council will prosecute according to law those who publish advertisements etc... By all means, consult the Municipal Advocate...  

Municipal Advocate (Mr. Lang) to Assistant Secretary. "Advertisement Hoardings." Shanghai, June 30, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0407-0411).

Advertisement Hoardings. I forward herewith a file from which it will be seen that the Commissioner of Police desires to control advertisements on hoardings.

With regard to the first of the two Police suggestions it would appear that the Police may inspect advertising matter in connection with certain entertainments under the following condition of the Circus, Fair, Dancing Saloon or other place of Public Entertainement Licence: "10 - No obscene or indecent performance and no performeance liable to cause a breach of the peace or affect the good order of the Settlement shall take place, and the licensee shall submit to the Commissioner of Police not later that Thursday of each wee full details of the programms and advertising matter for the following week.

The following condition also appears in the Sing-Song and Story-teller Licence: "3 - No vaudeville performance, or any performance except sing-song and stoery telling, shall be heald on the premises without a licence first obtained therefor. The license shall submit to the Commissioner of Police beforehand full details of all performances which are to take place on the premises. 

With regard to cinematograph advertisements a similar condition might be introduced in the license or possibly control might be vested in the Board of Film Censors by a separate condition or by amendment of Condition No.8 which reads as follows: "8 - No films slide or matter in any other form which has not been certified within the proceeding six months by the Board of Film Censors for public exhibition shall be shown without the written permission fo the Council.  I shall be grateful for you views on the above points and also as to giving effect to the second Police suggestion. 

Assistant Secretary (Mr. Lang) to Commissioner of Police - "Advertisement Hoardings." Shanghai, July 4, 1941. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0406).

With reference to your reports of May 20 and June 13, I have consulted the Municipal Advocate and would now make the following suggestions: Clause (a) recommended in your report of June 13 might be covered by the enforcement of Condition 10 of the Circus, Fair, Dancing Saloon and other place of Public Entertainment licence and Conditions 3 of the Sing-Song and Story-Teller Licence. With regard to the Cinematograph Licence control of advertisements matter mith be vested in the Board of Film Censors under Condition 8 of the licence or alternatively a new condition might be added to the licence. 
I am advised by the Municipal Advocate that in the case of offences under clause (b) recommended in your report of May 20, proceedings may be instituted under general law and further legislation would appear to be unnecessary. In this connection, it is proposed to publish the attached notification. 

Draft of Notification No. …. - Advertisements. Shanghai, July 4, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0404).

Notice is hereby given that no matter of offensive or immoral nature or any matter liable to prejudice the preservation of peace and good order shall be advertised. Any person or persons publishing such advertisements will be prosecuted according to law. 

Commissioner of Police to Secretary & Commissioner General - Your Letter No. M.13/3 dated July 4, 1941 - Advertisements Hoardings. Shanghai, July 7, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0403).

The draft of the proposed notification forwarded with you letter dated July 4, 1941 meets the requirements of this department. 

Notification No. 5499 - Advertisements. Shanghai, July 8, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0400).

Notice is hereby given that no matter of offensive or immoral nature or any matter liable to prejudice the preservation of peace and good order shall be advertised. Any person or persons publishing such advertisements will be prosecuted according to law. 

Notification No. 5499 - Advertisements - Extract from the North China Daily News, dated July 9, 1941. Shanghai, July 9, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0399).

Notice is hereby given that no matter of offensive or immoral nature or any matter liable to prejudice the preservation of peace and good order shall be advertised. Any person or persons publishing such advertisements will be prosecuted according to law. 

Extract from the North China Daily News, dated July 9, 1941. Shanghai, July 9, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0398).

The Shanghai Municipal Council has given notice that no matter of offensive or immoral nature or any matter liable to prejudice the preservation of peace and good order shall be advertised. Any person or persons publishing such advertisements will be prosecuted according to law. 

Extract from the Municipal Gazette Published July 25, 1941 - Notification No. 5499 - Advertisements. Shanghai, July 25, 1941. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0397). 
Notice is hereby given that no matter of offensive or immoral nature or any matter liable to prejudice the preservation of peace and good order shall be advertised. Any person or persons publishing such advertisements will be prosecuted according to law. 

Keywordscensorship ; film ; entertainment ; hoarding ; taxation ; police ; newspaper ; municipal notification ; permit ; public morals ; war ;
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