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NameChinese Ratepayers' complaint against "indecent" advertisements for quack medicines
TitleIndecent Advertisements
AuthorShanghai Municipal Council; Chinese Ratepayers' Association;
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0428-0438)
Repository typeArchive

Chinese Ratepayers' Association to S.M.C. Secretary. "Indecent Advertisements." Shanghai, December 29, 1939. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0430-0435).

We have received the following letter from Tsang Vei-li (張萬里 Zhang Wanli), Ku I-kong, Liu Pin-chuan, Tu Zeng-tsu, Zi K'eh au, I Hsien-yao and Zi Wei-sing: "After the Chinese Army withdraw westward, Shanghai became an isolated city. Certain shameless persons have taken advantage of the peculiar situation ot engage in the manufacture and sale of aphrodisiacs and lascivious applicances, and they have even dared to insert advertisements in newspapers to gain publicity. This evil practice is a serious offence against good morals and does much harm among young people. 
An advertisement concerning a kind of erotic appliance called "Zang Loh Kuan" (長藥瑔 Zhang yao quan), written in highly indecent language; recently appeared in a certain mosquito newspaper. The appliances in question consist simply of a rubber ring costing less than ten cents; but is it sold at $3.00 each. The person responsible for the sale of such articles have not only sinned against morality, but are also guilty of fraud,. the article is also extremely injurious to health. The harm done to the community is comparable with the ravages of floods and ferocious beasts. Should no drastic steps be taken to check this evil, wrong deers will have no fear. As we cannot keep silent in the face of this danger, we venture to beg your Association to request the S.M. Police to forthwith prohibit all [p.2/2] large and small newspapers from publishing such advertisements, and also to seal up the establishment called the "Sei To Heng" (三多行 Sanduohang) dealing in the said article, and occupying Room No. 528, 5th floor, Sz Soh Building (慈淑大樓 Cishudalou) formerly Continental Emporium Building, Nakning Road. This will prevent the bad example from being followed and will be for the good of the community." In the interest of good morals will the Council please instruct the Police to deal severely with the offenders as soon as possible.

Commissioner of Police to Secretary & Commissioner General - "Letter from the Chinese Ratepayers' Association, dated December 29, 1939. 'Indecent Advertisements'." Shanghai, January 23, 1940. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0429).

Three newspapers were prosecuted during December for publishing indecent advertisements in the chinese press and three other prosecutions are pending. Five other newspapers who published advertisements dealing with sex were warned, as there wsa not quite sufficiant evidence to prosecute. Enquiries into the sale of sex appliances at Room 528 Continental Emporium building show that this company has closed down. Another business of a similar character at 405 Tientsin Road is being investigated and on receipt of the analyst's report a prosecution will follow. 

Deputy Secretary to The Chinese Ratepayers' Association. Shanghai, January 30, 1940. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3821 (0428).

In reply to your letter of December 29,  1939, I have to state that continual action is taken in connection with the publication and distribution of indecent matter, as reference to the publiched monthly and annual reports of the Commissioner of Police will show. 
During the month of December three newspapers were prosecuted for publishing indecent advertisements and three other prosecutions were pending. Five other newspapers which published advertisements dealing with sex were given warnings as in these cases prosecution was not considered warranted. 
With regard to the sale of sex appliances by the Sei To Hong at Room No. 528, Continental Emporium Building, enquiries show that this company has closed down. 

Keywordsquack medicine ; aphrodisiac ; mosquito paper ; newspaper ; price ; public morals ; fraud ; public health ; prosecution ; police ; elites ; public opinion ; exaggeration ; war ;
LanguageChinese, English
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