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NameAdvertising Balloons. Messrs. Marden & Company, Limited
TitleMarden & Co. Advertising Balloon (refused)
AuthorShanghai Municipal Council; Marden Company, G.E.
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-4-3818
Repository typeArchive

Marden & Company, Limited, to S.M.C. Shanghai, June 15, 1938. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3818 (0242). 

We shall appreciate it if you will kindly inform us if there is any Council regulation which prevents us using stationary "Balloons" of about the same size and type as those used by the Japanese during the hostilities. 

We propose to fly these balloons which will be moored to your new godown on the Old Majestic ground, Gordon Road, at a height ot from 1000 to 2000 feet. Each balloon will have character stremers advertising this company and will hauled down each night. 

Acting Secretary to Marden & Company, Limited. Shanghai, June 16, 1938. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3818 (0241). 

I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 16, with reference to balloon advertising and to inform you that the matter is receiving attention and will form the subject of a further communication in due course.  

Commissioner of Police to Secretary. Shanghai, June 17, 1938. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3818 (0238). 

This Department has always been opposed to sch applicaitons and I have nothing to add to the comment made by the former Commissioner dated 30/10/34 on a similar proposal.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary. Shanghai, June 18, 1938. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3818 (0240).  

With reference to a copy of letter from Messrs. Marden & Company, Limited, adted June 16, 1938, sent to me for comment, previous application from Messrs. Realty Investment Company and Mr. D.B. Sparks have been submitted and refused and in connection with the latter a notification was published in the Municipal Gazette on October 11, 1935. Both applciations were ooposed by this Department and in reference to the present application I hold identically the same views as expressed by the chief Officer in his letters to you of October 29, 1934, and September 11, 1935.

Incidentally, the godown referred to by Messrs. Marden & Company is but a temporary structure subject to removal at short notice. 

Acting Chief Officer (Fire Brigade) to Acting Secretary. Shanghai, June 20, 1938.  SMA (SMC), U1-4-3818 (0239). 

With regard to the above I have to refer to my letter C 8905 of September 5, 1935, and Secretary's letter M13/7 dated November 15, 1934, to Mr. Vanderburgh Realty Investment Company, 210 Szechuen Road. I have no reason to alter my former views and I am in agreement with the Secretary's letter in question. Balloon advertising should not be permitted.  

Acting Secretary to Watch Committee. "Advertising Ballons"  (Recommendation Disapproved). Shanghai, June 21, 1938. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3818 (0236).

In 1934 the Watch Committee considered an application from the Realty Investment Company for permission to introduce advertising balloons in the Settlement. It was decided that the proposal was objectionable on the following grounds: 

(1) The danger of fire and explosion atendant upon the use of inflammable gas for inflation purposes (it being noted that in view of the cost of helium its use was unlikely) 
(2) Possible entanglement with buildings and electric wires and 
(3) Diversion of drivers of vehicles and the formation of groups of onlookers in the already congested streets to the obstruction of pedestrian and other traffic. 

A similar application from Mr. D.B. Sparks was considered by Committee in 1935, when the above decision was re-affirmed. 

There is attached copy of a letter received from Messrs. G.E. Marden & Company with reference to this matter. The Commissioner of Police, the Acting Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade and the Acting Commisisoner of Public Works have reported that they are opposed to the proposal on the same grounds as indicated above. 

It is accordingly recommended that the previous decision on the subject be adhered to and that Messrs. G.E. Marden & Company be informed that they cannot be permitted to fly advertising balloons.  

Acting Secretary to Marden & Company, Limited. Shanghai, June 23, 1938.  Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3818 (0233). 

With reference to your letter of June 15 and my acknowedgment of June 16 I have to inform you that the Council is unwilling to permit tu use of balloons for advertising purposes.  

Secretary from Marden & Company, Limited. Shanghai, June 24, 1938. SMA (SMC), U1-4-3818 (0232). 

We have for acknowledgment your letter of June 23rd and regret to note that the Council is unwilling to permit our use of balloons in the Settlements for advertising purposes. 

Keywordsaccident ; balloon ; Japanese ; captive ; cigarette ; entertainment ; explosion ; godown ; hotel ; obstruction ; safety ; traffic ; war ; weight ;
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