B.A.T (E. Strassman, Advertising Manager) to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, June 26, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1181).
It has been brought to the notice of this Department that you are preparing to build a new bridge across the Soochow Creek at Honan Road. We understand that during the construction the fencing will permit of two good advertising sites, to wit: North Side, space about 10'x 20', South Side, over door, space about 6' x 20'. We take this opportunity to offer you $40.00 a month for both locations for the purpose of erecting substantial signboards advertising "Ruby Queen" cigarettes. We would be willing to retain these sites until they are to be taken down by your Department.
Commissioner of Public Works to Acting Secretary. Shanghai, June 28, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1182).
I recommend for acceptance the accompanying offer from the British-American Tobacco Company, Limited, to $40 per mensem for the privilege of erecting two hoardings 20'10 and 20'6 at the Honan Road bridge. The conditions should be the same as these arranged with the Oriental Press in the case of the Szechuen Road bridge (see letter to Oriental Press dated May 20, 1921) with the following amendments) :
Clause 1 - The reference to "sole right" to be deleted.
Clause 6 - This should be altered to read that the boards must be removed upon receipt of one month's notice.
Letter to B.A.T from Assistant Secretary. Shanghai, July 19, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1183).
I am directed to refer to your letter of June 26, addressed to the Commissioner of Public Works, relative to the utilisation of certain spaces at the Honan Road Brdige for advertisement purposes, and in reply to state that the Council is prepared to let these spaces to you for such purposes at a monthly rental of $40 - on your agreeing to the attached Conditions. Should you desire to lease the said spaces on the tmers contained therein, I shall be obliged if you will kindly return me one copy of the Conditions duly signed.
Public Works Department. Conditions for the use of the fencing as advertising site. Shanghai, July 24, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1185-1186).
Subject to the acceptance of the conditions set forth hereunder, the British American Tobacco Company, Limited (hereinafter called the "Applicants") will be permitted to utilise certain space on the Honan Road Bridge for advertising purposes, for a period of one year.
1. That the applicants shall be permitted granted the sole right to display advertisements on the approved portions of the bridge, for the period of one year from the date thereof, on payment of a monthly fee of $40 $50.
2. That only such space as shall be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works shall be utilized by the Applicants.
3. That all boards erected for the purposes of displaying advertisements shall be embedded in such a position and in such manner as shall meet the requirements of the Commissioner of Public Works.
4. That the Applicants fall alter the position of any boards erected by then at their own expense, if so required, should the exigencies of the work on the bridge necessitate such alteration.
5. The no part or the surface of any part of the bridge shall be damaged in any way by the erection of such boards or by their removal, and that should such damage arise shall be made good by the Applicants at their sole expense.
6. That the notice boards shall be removed upon the receipt of one month's notice at the expiry of one year from the date hereof.
7. That should the Applicants make default for the period of one month in payment of the said fee, the notice boards shall be removed forthwith, and the cost of removal ad of any necessary reinstatement work to the bridge arising therefrom shall be borne by the Applicants.
Extract from Municipal Gazette - Advertising - Dated August 9th, 1923. Shanghai, August 9, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1187).
Permission has been granted to the British-American Tobacco Company (China) Limited to use certain spaces on the Honan Road bridge for advertising purposes upon the following conditions:
1. That the Applicants shall be permitted to display advertisements on the approved portion of the bridge, from the date hereof, on payment of a montly fee of $40.
2. That only such space as shall be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works shall be utilized by the Applicants.
3. That all boards erected for the purposes of displaying advertisements shall be embedded in such a position and in such manner as shall meet the requirements of the Commissioner of Public Works.
4. That the Applicants fall alter the position of any boards erected by then at their own expense, if so required, should the exigencies of the work on the bridge necessitate such alteration.
5. The no part or the surface of any part of the bridge shall be damaged in any way by the erection of such boards or by their removal, and that should such damage arise shall be made good by the Applicants at their sole expense.
6. That the notice boards shall be removed upon the receipt of one month's notice.
7. That should the Applicants make default for the period of one month in payment of the said fee, the notice boards shall be removed forthwith, and the cost of removal ad of any necessary reinstatement work to the bridge arising therefrom shall be borne by the applicants.
Letter from B.A.T to Public Works Department, Shanghai, January 28, 1924. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1188).
In November last you were chargin the sum of $50 for permit fee for erecting a sign. This carhge was increased in December to $1.00 and we are now advised that on the last sign we erected on January 18 the permit fee charge had increased to $4.00 per permit.
Will you kindly advise us on what basis this increase from month to month is being made?
Commissioner of Public Works to B.A.T. "Application for General Permits in connection with advertisement fixtures", Shanghai, January 31, 1924. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1189).
Application for General permits in connection with Advertisement Fixtures. With reference to your letter of the 23th instant (January 23 1924), in which you request information with regard to the charges for advertisement fixtures, I beg to inform you that the following rates are being charged, has hereto fore: Advertising Hoardings: Tls. 4.00, Advertising Boards : Tls. 1.00. Poster boards 40" x 30": Tls. 0.50
Commissioner of Public Works to B.A.T. Shanghai, June 4, 1924. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1191).
Please arrange to move the above a few feet from the present position to allow for excavation for relaying the existing drain.
A representative of this Department will be on the site to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock to point out whare is required.
B.A.T. to Commissioner of Public Works, Shanghai, June 5, 1924. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1192).
Your favor 4th inst. Re Advertisement Hoardings Honan Road Bridge - South Side. Please be advised that we have taken down this sign and will not re-erect same.
Check for five days rental ($3.33) will be sent you in due course and we trust this will be satisfactory.
B.A.T. to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, June 7, 1924. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1193).
Please be advised that we have taken down our sign board at North end of Honan Road bridge. We are passing voucher in your favor for Mew. $ 4.00 to cover six days rental and trust this is satisfactory.
Treasurer & Controller to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, August 8, 1924. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1194).
With reference to the enclosed debit note No. 18/19 I beg to enclose herewith copies of correspondence with the British American Tobacco Company. The removal of the hoardings followed on a request from this Department to have the positions changed, and under the circumstances, I suggest that the debit note be cancelled and payment amounting to $7.33 accepted in lieu thereof.