請服 山得爾彌地
法國山得爾彌地為治療淋濁之聖藥。成分精粹。應用科學方法配製而成。功効最着。弛名最久。無論對於急性亞急性及慢性淋濁。均可保証治愈極速。完全斷根。但有須請認明者。山得爾彌地每丸之上。均印有為記。無此記乾。必 偽品。服法注意 初服每小時一丸厯兩日夜不息以後五天每天服四丸、服藥期內宜節勞靜養、忌進燥熱食物、尤須戒絕房事。
(B1) Realistic and detailed image of the package, showing the brandname in French (to help authenticate the original trademark and avoid imitations)
(B3) Negative illustration (counter-woman appeal) : woman hugged by a snake to express danger
Health, woman, fear, rational
(A3) Long rational/educative text : product qualities and effects, warning against imitations (authenticate the trademark), how to use the product
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