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Full referenceAnonymous, Economic Effect of the Extension of Japan's Sphere of Influence in China (1915)
TypeJournal article
TitleEconomic Effect of the Extension of Japan's Sphere of Influence in China
Year of publication1915
JournalPeking Daily News
Start page3
End page4
Date publication1915
Keywordsmarket; China; Japan; war; influence; world; economic; Peking; tradition; custom; progress; past; reformation; corruption; independence; sovereignty; customer; Manchuria; statistics; trade; competition; monopoly

Comments on an article published in the Far Eastern Review on the on the subject of "Economic Effect of Japan's Spheres of Influence in China". Examines the political and economic incidence of the 21 demands. The article argues that to most foreigners, China is chiefly interesting because of its possibilities as a world market. Argues that the future possibilities of such a market are almost limitles. Further argues that China's indepdendence and sovereignty is a sine qua non condition for developing such a market. Examines the pecular case of South Manchuria. Observes that the foreign trade (other that Japanese) tends to diminish in regions in which Japan exercises political control - such as Manchuria. Emphasizes the difficulty to collect statistics in such regions. Suggests that political control favors commercial monopoly. Observes that Japan has ousted American from the premier position even at Newchang. 


Turning to the econonmic incidence of the demands, it may be said that to many, if not to most, foreigners China is chiefly interesting because of its possibilities as a world market. Some of those who are actually resident in the Republic feel a deep sympathy with a country that is striving to emancipate itself from the traditions and cutoms that have cheeked all progress in the past. They know that the Central Government is slowly, but effectually, reforming the international administration ; restoring orfer after the financial chaos caused by the reckless methods of the late dynasty, and rooting out the canker of corruption that has hitherto made the Chinese official a menace to the Chinese people and an object of contempt to the foreigner. The sympathetic observer sees that genuine efforts are being made to bring about the reformation necessary, and he realizes that, if China is helped instead of hindered by other Powers, she will in time achieve a dregree of strength and stability that will entitle her to claim an effective voice in Far Eastern politics. But considerations of this character appeal only to a small minority of foreigners and the fact must be faced that, while the preservation of China's sovereignty and independance are but of academic interest to the majority, the retention of a market that has already been extremely valuable and that possesses practically limitless future possibilities is regarded as a matter of the first importance. 

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