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Full referencePatchin, Robert H.; Arnold, Julean, How the War Has Changed Trade Routes. American Trade Relation with China. (1918)
TypeJournal article
Author(s)Patchin, Robert H.; Arnold, Julean
TitleHow the War Has Changed Trade Routes. American Trade Relation with China.
JournalMillard's Review of the Far Eat
Start page54
End page58
Date publication1918
Keywordswar; trade; route; financial; journal; institution; permanent; temporary; adjustment; Canton; Chamber; commerce; attache;

How the War Has Changed Trade Routes. The following are extracts from an article contributed to a NEw York financial journal by Robert H. Patchin, manager of the Foreign Trade Department of W.R. Grace & Co. 

American Trade Relation with China. The following are extracts from an address delivered recently to the Canton Chamber of Commerce by Julean Arnold, American Commercial Attache. 


Distinction between temporary/permanent changes. The major change is the development of US export/sea trade. 

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