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TitleOriental Advertising Agency, Proposed structures to be erected round the new municipal building (1914)
DateWednesday 15 April 1914
Estimated periodPre 1919
LocationShanghai IS
Caption on original image

(Key plan)

Note: Red lines indicate hoarding line

No Advertising (Hankow Road)

Honan Road

Kiangse Road

Foochow Road


20 feet (height), 6 feet (depth) (and 4 feet inside the ground) 

Uprights : 3' (large), 5' (length)


2 x 10' (height)

2 x 20' (length)

4' (inside the ground)

Image information
Image typeDrawing

Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1118-1210)

Secretary to Engineer & Surveyor. "Central Offices Site." Shanghai, March 28, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1120).

Central Offices Site. It would appear advisable that the Kiangse and Foochow Road frontages of the new buildings be let for advertising purposes and I think proposals should be made by you on the subject for the Works Comittee's approval. Lines of hoardings might be put down at once, allowing for windening the two streets as well as the Hankow Road to the utmost extent possible. I do not think the Council would approve hoardings facing the Cathedral.  

Letter from Oriental Advertising Company (A. Bos), Limited, to Secretary (applying for the right to use the site of the new building of the S.M.C while under construction for advertising purposes and making offers for payments). Shanghai, March 30, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1121).

We herewith beg to apply for the right to use the site of the new building of the Shanghai Municipal Council, while under construction for advertising purposes and make you the following offer. We pay you $3.00 per month for every advertising board of 10x10 feet we erect. We would make payments 6 monthly in advance sa as not to give you too much work in checking accounts. We think that no advertising should be erected just in front of the Cathedral Garden and would of course not touch this portion of the ground.  

Report by Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary (submitting the plan showing the lines of the proposed advertising spaces on the new Central Offices buildings).  Shanghai, April 1, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1122).

Advertising on hoardings - Letter from Mr. A. Bos dated 30th March 1914. I submit herewith a plan showing in green the lines of frontage of the proposed new buildings and in red the lines on which I would suggest that the protective hoardings be erected.
In building work of this description it is very important that as much space as possible shold be left for working in. Excluding Hankow Road there is a frontage of 800 feet available for advertising purposes if the Council so desires. This at 30 dollar cents per foot amounts to $2.700 per annum. I presume the advertisement contractors would erect their own hoardings to our satisfaction. If it is decided to let the spaces for advertising I would suggest that other offers be called for. I have asked Mr. Chester and Mr Harvey to tender.

Report by Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary. Shanghai, April 1, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1123).

In continuation of my Report of this morning. I forward herewith offer form Mr. W. Harvey of $50 per mensum for privilege of erecting hoardings on Kiangse, Foochow and Honan Roads.
This is only one quarter offer made by Mr. Bos. I have been unable to get into communicaiton with Mr. Chester but I am given to understand that he is not likely to tender.  

Letter to Secretary from Mr W. Harvey (offering to erect advertising signs on the new buildings).  Shanghai, April 1, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1124).

I shall be pleased to make the offer of Dollars Fifty per month for the privilege of erecting advertising signs on Kiangse, Foochow and Honan Roads. Thanking you for the option of placing in an estimate.

Letter to Secretary from the Oriental Advertising Company, Limited (giving details regarding the proposed number of boards and time period for installation). Shanghai, April 2, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1125).

Referring to our letter of the 30.3 tendering for the advertising right on the hoarding round the new Municipal Building, we may say that while we fully expect to put near on one hundred boards on. Inside 5-6 months, we could guarrantee to erect 20 boards during the first 3 months. We intend to clear away at tone all the Bubbling Well boards, including thos on Dallas Stables and erect them on the Municipal Hoarding.

Letter to Oriental Advertising Company, Ltd. from Secretary (informing the Company that the Council accepts their proposal provided that the Honan Road frontage (facing Cathedral) should remain free of boards). Shanghai, April 4, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1127).

I am directed to acknowledge the receipt of our letters of March 30 and April 2, containing an offer in regard to advertising hoardings on the site of the new Central Municipal Offices. The Council accepts your proposal with regard to the Foochown Kiangse and Honan Road frontages of the property, noting that the Hankow Road will remain free of any advertisements. Detailed arrangements as regards the position of the hoardings, payment therefor, etc. should be made with the Municipal Engineer.  

Letter from Engineer & Surveyor to Oriental Advertising Company (requesting the Company that they submit sketches of the proposed boards). Shanghai, April 9, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1130).

I beg to inform your that the lines to which hoardings may be erected on the Kiangse, Foochow and Honan Roads frontages are now marked out and I shall be glad if you will let me have sketches of the structures you propose to erect. There will be no restriction in regard to height provided that struts [supports] (which should not be spaced less than 20 feet apart) do not project inside further than 6 feet. As the buildings go it may be possible for your hoardings to follow but this is a matter which will have to be arranged later.

Work can be commenced as soon as the details of the hoardings have been approved.  

Letter from Oriental Advertising Company to Public Works Department (submitting the requested sketches of structured they intend to erect round the new Municipal Building). Shanghai, April 15, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1131).

Enclosed please find sketch of structures we intend to erect round the new Municipal Building for the purpose of exhibiting advertising boards.

Report by Chief Architectural Assistant to Municipal Engineer (stating he is strongly of opinion that the proposed height for the boards submitted by Oriental A.A. would be most undesirable for safety reasons). Shanghai, April 17, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1134).

I am strongly of opinion that any hoarding the height shown on sketch submitted by the Oriental Advertising Company (20'0") would be most undesirable. The struts as shown projects 6'0" within the site and would be a continuous cause of obstruction and delay in the ready handling of large blocks or masonary etc. and would even then be insufficient to guarantee the safety of a 20'0" hoarding in a strong wind.
I would urge that nothing higher than 10'0" be permitted, with struts projecting a maximum of 3'0" and I am confident that any loss thus caused by a reduced advertising area will be many times compensated by greater facilities in carrying on the building operations.
At a later date, when the scaffolding is in position it would be possible to erect large advertisement boards on the scaffold poles, a method frequently seen in Europe.

Remarks from ? dated 17/4/1914 : I pointed this out while you were away. My letter of the 9th April was written on the Council's instructions. They wanted to get as much revenue as possible from the advertisements.  

Letter from Engineer & Surveyor to Oriental Advertising Company (suggesting that cole places of a suitable size be placed under all upright posts and struts in order the the design could be approved).  Shanghai, April 20, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1135).

With reference to the plan which you have submitted, showing the construction of the proposed hoardings, Cadastral Lot 168 Central. I would suggest that sole plates of a suitable size be placed under all upright posts and struts. It this be done the design will be approved and work may commence without delay.  
Report by H. Ross to Municipal Engineer (regarding the payment of fees and enumerating conditions. Shanghai, May 26, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1136-1137).

The following proposed arrangement with regard to the payment of fees for hoardings around the site of the New Municipal Buildings is the result of a conservation in re which took place on the 25th instant, between Mr. Hayter and the undersigned.
1. The Oriental Advertising Company to submit at once a list of all boards at present erected, together with dates of erection, particulars of sizes and description of advertising matter thereon.
2. A memorandum to be sent to Municipal Engineed giving date of erection of each board erected after date of above list.
3. If a board is removed before end of quarter, and the space which it occupied left vacant, the Municipal Engineer to be notified when said board is removed, if no such notive received, it will be taken that portion of hoarding occupied by board is in use during the whole quarter.
4. An account to be renderd quarterly to Municipal Engineer giving details of all boards erected during the quarter together with amount due to the Council.  

Letter from Oriental Advertising Company to Engineer & Surveyor (submitting the list of advertisement boards erected on Municipal property as requested by the PWD in a letter dated May 30, 1914).  Shanghai, June 3, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1138).

We beg to acknowledge your letter of 30th ultimo and now have the pleasure to hand you, as requested, a list of our advertisement boards erected on Municipal property to date, with particulars, dates of erection etc. We shall send you on a similar form notification of all boards erected by us in the future and also in the event of any board or boards being removed, giving dates.  

List of boards erected on Municipal property (submitted by Oriental Advertising Company to Engineer & Surveyor). Shanghai, June 3, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1139-1140).

(See Data sheet)

Letter to Secretary from Oriental Advertising Company, Limited (reporting  that the Police has taken action to prevent their workmen from posting advertising bills on the hoarding's round the site and requesting permission to continue making use of the bamboo fence for posting advertisement if the Council has no objection). Shanghai, August 26, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1141).

We are informed that the police have taken action to prevent our workmen from posting advertising bills on the hoarding's round the site of the new Municipal Buildings. In the contract between the Council and yourselves these is no reference to bill posting. We have, however, made use of the hoardings for this purpose as we have always been accustomed to do in case where we hire space for erecting boards. If the Council have no objection we shall be very glad if we may permitted to continue making use of the bamboo fence referred to for posting advertisement.

Report by Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary (stating there is no objection to bills being posted on the hoardings but recommending that the privilege should not be extended to the bamboo fence). Shanghai, September 16, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1142).

Advertising Hoardings - Cad. Lot 168, C. Letter from Oriental Advertising Company, dated 26/8/14. There would appear to be no objection to bills being posted on the hoardings but he privilege should not be extended to the bamboo fence.  

Oriental Advertising Company to Public Works Office (enclosing their account for hire of advertising space for the quarter ending 30th June 1914 together with their cheque for $93.57 in payment thereof). Shanghai, August 27, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1143).

We enclose herewith our account for hire of advertising space for the quarter ending 30th June 1914, together with our cheque for $ 93.57 in payment thereof.

We shall send you our newt a/c and payment on 30th September. Trusting that the above is in order.
Oriental Advertising Company to Public Works Office (giving a list of advertisements boards to be withdrawn from the Council's premises since the contracts have been cancelled on account of the war as per 31th August 1914). Shanghai, September 14, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1146).

We beg to advise you that the following advertisemsent boards are being withdrawn from the Council's premises, the contracts having been cancelled on account of the war, as per 31st August 1914: No.2 Grand Garage - 9x10 feet, Honan Road, No. 3 - Shanghai Union Brewery - 10x10 feet x10 feet, Honan Road. No.4 F. Schwarzkopf & Company - 10x10 feet, Honan Road. No.5 La Espana - 10x10 feet, Honan Road. 16. P.&O. Scotch Whisky - 10x10 feet, Kiangse Road.No.18 La Espana - 10 x10 feet, Kiangse Road. No. 19. Grand Garage - 10x10 feet, Kiangse Road..  

Oriental Advertising Company to Public Works Office (enclosing their statement of accounts for the quarter ending 30th September 1914 together with their cheque for $158.42 in payment thereof and a list of boards erected on October 1, 1914). Shanghai, October 5, 1914. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1149).

Advertisements on Municipal Hoardings: We have the pleasure to hand you statement of accounts for the quarter ending 30th September 1914 - together with cheque for $ 158.42 - in payment thereof.
We also enclose amended list of boards as on 1st October 1914. We regret that owing to the European disturbance, many of our contract have been cancelled during the past two months. We hope, that we shall be able to make a better showing during the next half year.

Letter from Engineer & Surveyor to Oriental Advertising Company (reminding the Company they must send a statement of accounts for the quarter ending December 31, 1914). Shanghai, January 14, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1152).

With reference to the above hoardings, I beg to remid you that I have not yet received a statement of accounts for the hire of the above advertising space for the quarter ending 31st December 1914.

Report by Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary (suggesting that the Council's agreement with the Oriental Advertising Company be cancelled - in view of the decrease in the number of advertising boards which are being erected roung the New Municipal Offices). Shanghai, February 2, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1153).

In view of the decrease in the number of advertising boards which are being erected round the New Municipal Offices by the Oriental Advertising Company, I suggest that the Council's agreement with them be cancelled and new tenders for small portions of the site be called for. At present there are only ten boards in use, whereas the Advertising Company estimated they would have approximately a hundred in position during the last few months of 1914.

Copy of Minutes of Works Committee Meeting. Shanghai, February 22, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1154).

A report by the Engineer is submitted suggesting, in view of the fact that the Oriental Advertising Company has made practically no use of the contract, that new tenders be invited. This suggestion is approved.

Letter from Secretary to Oriental Advertising Company, Limited. Shanghai, February 27, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1155).

With reference to the arrangement made with your Company in April last in regard to advertising hoardings on Lot 168, Honan, Foochow and Kiangse Roads, I am directed to point out that whil your letter of April 2 anticipated the erection of 100 boards, and guaranteed 200 boards during the first three months, yet no more than about 6 such boards are at present in position.
Under these circumstances I am to state that the Council finds it necessary to regard the contract as void, and contemplates taking other steps for utilising the advertising space in question.

Letter from Oriental Advertising Company, Limited to Secretary. Shanghai, March 1, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1156).

In reply to yours of February 27th received today we beg to say that in May 1914 we had 23 boards on the hoardings on lot 168 Honan Foochow and Kiangse Roads and that if conditions had remained normal, we would have been able to reach the figure of 100 boards as anticipated in our letter of April 2, 1914.
After the outbreak of the war nearly all our contracts for advertising on lot 168 as well as on other stations in town have been cancelled and it is thus evident that the impossibility to carry out our promises is due to "force majeure". We feel confident that after the war, when business resumes its normal state we shall be able to come up to our first estimate. In the meanwhile we hope that you will kindly reconsider your decision and allow us to retain the advertising right for present year.
During May-December we have paid for rents on advertising boards $338.42 or $42.55 per month, which at the price arranged of $3 per board and month means and average of 14 boards exhibited during the last eight months.

Report by Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary. Shanghai, March 4, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1157).

At the commencement of February 1st (1915)  there were only ten (10) boards on the hoarding and at present there is the same number. In view of the fact that the available advertising frontage is about 800 feet (excluding the Hankow Road) I think that better use could be made of it if the frontage to the different roads were divided into sections, say of 50 feet lineal each, and such sections let by tender for a given period of not less that 5 months.

Copy of Minutes of Works Committee Meeting. Shanghai, March 12, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1158).

Referring to the Council's letter of February 27th, the Oriental Advertising Company, Limited, attributes the failure on their part to utilise the advertising space to the conditions brought about by the War. The available advertising frontage is about 800 feet, and the Engineer recommends its division into sections of about 50 feet, each such section to be let by tender. Before acting upon this suggestion however, it is decided to enquire what sum the Company will pay in cash for the privileges they desire.

Letter from Oriental Advertising Company, Limited to Secretary (offering new conditions of agreement). Shanghai, April 20, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1159).

Rererring to the conversation our Manager had with you smoem times ago, we beg to offer you now the following terms for the advertising right on the Hoardings of the new building for the Municipal Council. The agreement made some times ago, to stand as it is, but the following clause to be added. The amount to be paid to the Municipal Council by the Oriental Advertising Company not to be less that an average of $50. - per month during one year from date. Hopng that this will be agreable to you an awaiting the favour of your reply.

Engineer & Surveyor to Secretary (suggesting that the rate be decreased in view of bad conditions of local trade). Shanghai, April 27, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1160).

In view of the bad condition of local trade I think that the offer of the Oriental Advertising Company of a minimum average rate of $50 - per month for one year might be accepted.

Copy of Minutes of Works Committee Meeting. Shanghai, May 7, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1161).

Referring to previous minutes on this subject the Committee now assents as a metter of compromis to allow the Oriental Advertising Company contract to continue, with condition that the amount to be paid shall be not less that an average of $50 per mensem during one year from date.

Letter from Secretary to Oriental Advertising Company, Limited. Shanghai, May 10, 1915. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1162).

In reply to your letter of April 20, I am directed to state that your proposal with regard to advertising on the hoardings of the new Central Municipal Offices is accepted by the Council, i.e. the former arrangement will stand, your Company guaranteeing a minimum average payment of $50 per mensem during the ensuing year.

Acting Secretary to Engineer. Shanghai, May 5, 1916. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1164).

With reference to your Report of April 27, 1915, on this matter and to the undertaking contained in the letter of the Oriental Advertising Company Limited of April 20, 1915, that not less than an average of $50 per month would be paid during one year from that date, will you please be good enough to comment stating whether this undertaking is being carried out.

Report by Engineer to Acting Secretary. Shanghai, May 11, 1916. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1165).

So far as I know no payment have been made by the Oriental Advertising Company since the arrangement outlined in my Report of the 27th April 1915 came into force. I telephoned you to this effect on the 20 th, January 1916.  

Letter from Acting Secretary to Oriental Advertising Company, Limited. Shanghai, May 25, 1916. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1166).

I am directed to refer to your letter of April 20, 1915 and to the Council's reply of May 19, 1915, containind the revised arrangement with respect to Advertising Hoardings on the Central Offices and to request that you will be good enough to make good undertaking therein contained under which the sum of $600 is due to the Council in respect of the year ended May 18, 1916.

Letter from Acting Secretary to Oriental Advertising Company, Limited. Shanghai, June 27, 1916. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1167).

I am directed to refer to my letter of May 25 on the subect or your contract for advertising on the hoardings around the new Central Offices and to resquest that you will be good enough, without further delay, to make payment of the sum of $600 in respect of the year ended May 18, 1916.

Letter from Acting Secretary to Oriental Advertising Company, Limited. Shanghai, August 20, 1916. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1168).

With reference to the above advertisement boards, I be to inform you that several of the boards are liable to fall into the roadway and have to request that you will have them strentgthened as soone as possible.  

Acting Secretary to Engineer. Shanghai, April 20, 1918. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1169).

As a result of much pressure the General Manager of the Oriental Advertising Company, Limited, paid, I believe, the sum of $600 due to the Council for advertising boards for the year ended May 18, 1916. I have no record as to whether anything thas been paid in respect of the year ending May 16, 1917. Could you please let me have a line on this point.

Engineer to Secretary. Shanghai, April 23, 1918. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3251 (1170).
With reference to the above I have no record of any payment or requests for payment other than the Council's letters dated 25th May and 27th June 1916. 

Keyword(s) [en]Oriental Advertising agency, municipal, property, structure, office, central, round, line, hoarding, cathedral, building, construction, rent, engineering, strut, projection, height, safety, wind, masonery, obstruction, delay, scaffolding, Europe, contract
District NameInternational Settlement - Central - Central
District typeother
Type of mediumBillboard/Hoarding
MaterialsWood, bamboo
StationRound the new municipal building (central office)
Dimensions40' x 20' (4' inside the ground) (12 m x 6 m) (1,2 m under ground)
Estimated momentday

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