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TitleProspectus for Better Home Exhibition (1935)
DateFriday 15 November 1935
Estimated dateNovember 15-24, 1935
Estimated period1930-1937
LocationShanghai IS
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Image typeDrawing

Source: Publicity - Propositions from Advertising Agent. Millington, Ltd. Better Homes Exhibition. 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-246 (1147-1157). SMA (SMC), U1-16-246 (1155-1156). SK_114, SK_115, SK_116.

Prospectus for Better Homes Exhibition. Shanghai, November 15-24, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-246 (1148-1156).  

To be held in 31 Nanking Road. Messrs. Hall & Holtz's Former Premises). November 15th to 24th 1935

Area Rental Contract. We…. Agree to rent for the sum of $.... Space in the Better Homes Exhibition, to be held in Shanghai on the … floor of 31 Nanking Road, from November 15th to 24th known as Stand No.... for the purpose of demonstration under the following conditions:
1. That no display, speech or other publicity will be undertaken which might be liable to cause offence to nationals of any country, religious, or other body.
2. That while the Exhibition is open daily we assume full responsibility for the protection of such goods or samples and other materials as we may display, and will have in in attendance an employee for this purpose.
3. That we will pay our share of the total cost of lighting in proportion to the rental payable as compared with the whole, (Separate meter for special electrical displays).
4. That we will pay half our fee in advance to assist in financing the Exhibition, the remaning half to be paid within three days after the opening of the Exhibition.
5. That we will have our Exhibit installed ready for the official opening at 11 a.m. on Thursday 14th Friday 15th, November.
Programme Space : We require.... pages in the Programme at a cost of $... For te Exhibitor.  

1. The Exhition will open at 11 a.m. and close at 6.30 p.m; daily. Is this suitable to you? If not, which times do you prefer? Answer…
2. Would you prefer the promoters to open the Exhibition on a Sunday? Answer....
3. Give a list of the goods made in China that you wish to enter for competition.
4. Do you require special lighting or heating accommodation?
5. Do you require any assistance with you display work? Would you like to see a display man to give you idea and an estimate?
6. Would you like an estimate for suitable folders or literature to distribute at the Exhibition?
7. In order that the promoters may cover you exhibit with insurance against fire, state value of the goods you propose to place in the exhibition. 8. Your Suggestion... Signature....

Better Homes Exhibition - Prospectus (Promoters' engagements - Special Notice)

1. Provide suitable space for stands, from 8.00 a.m. on November 10th with a white painted line in place indicating the limits of each stands.
2. *Undertake insurance against fire on behalf of the Exhibitors.
3.*Provide suitable guards, watchmen, etc. against theft during such time as the Exhibition is closed to the Public, i.e. 6.30 p.m. to 11.00 a.m. aily but without responsibility.
4. Provide publicity programmes to be distributed free to all visitors.
6. Provide transport in the form of 100 bus-trips as shon in the prospectus.
7. Provide all exhibitors, clubs, associations, schools, colleges, etc. with such free invitation tickets as they require.
8. Organize and complete the competitions mentioned in the prospectus, arrange for prizes and/or prize money and for their distribution.
*Ordinary merchandise only, not including jewellery, silverware or valuables of any description. SPECIAL NOTICE. In the event of less than siwty firms or individuals being willing to take part in the Exhibition the promoters reserve the right to cancell all previously signed contracts and to return in full any deposit or payments made.  

Better Homes Exhibition - Prospectus. 31 Nanking Road - Shanghai (Messrs. Hall & Holtz's Former Premises) - November 15th to 24th 1935.

Preliminary Investigations having revealed that sufficient support may be expected it is proposed to hold an International Exhibition during November for equipment and accessories for Better Homes in Shanghai. An Exhibition of a general nature, as is proposed, will undoubtedly prove a stimulant to commerce and industry in many forms, be of great interest to the general public and at the same time be of considerable educational value. Leaders in political, social, and commercial circles will be asked to sponsor the Exhibition and to form an Honorary Committee, while International cultural associations and societies will be looked to for support of the project. The site of the Exhibition has been fixed at 31 Nanking Road, where 21,000 squre feet are available. The date of opening proposed is Friday, November 15th, and the Exhibition will be open daily from 11.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. for 10 days, closing on Sunday, November 24th. From the plans herewith it will be seen that theyre are 78 stands, sufficient to enable the representative activities in commerce, industry and manufactuer, to be repreented. The costs of the stands, it will be noted, are extremely moderate so as to form no insurmontable bar to the smaller exhibitors. The Exhibition, unlike previous efforts in Shanghai, will not cater to only a limited section of the communicyt, or to any particular trade, but will be International in character and of general interest. It is anticipated therefore, that there will be a large attendance.

Exhibits will, as far as possible, be animated and instructive, rather than a mere display of goods, and will be in charge of competent assistants capable of discoursing on their exhibits and replying to enquiries. There will be no ban to the distribtion of literature, free samples or even actual sales in the building should exhibitors so desire.
It is hoped that the following activities may be represented: Architecture and Real Estate; Bakery and Confestionery; Beverages, Wines and Spirits; Building and Construction; Carpet and Rug Manufacturers,; Civil and Electrical Engineering; Domestic Utilities and Hardware; Enamel-ware and Aluminium Goods; Entertainments and Amusements; Films and Photographic Accesories; Foodstuffs and Groceries; Footwear, Boots and Shoes; Furs and SKins; Garments and Clothing; Gramophones and Radios; Insurance and Protection; Interior Decorating and Furnishing; Luggage Trunks and Bags; Milk and Dairy Supplies; Motorscars and Taxi Services; Musical Instruments; Optical Goods; Paints, Varnishes, Distempers, &c.; Perfumes and Cosmetics; Poultry and Egg Produce; Public Utilities; Refrigerators and Cold-Storage; Sanitary Engineering and Plumbing; Soaps and Cleansers; Sporting Goods and Recreations; Stuffs and MAterials; Tobacco, Cigars and Cigarettes; Transport and Household Moving; Woodworking and Handicraft; as well as many others.

Suitable exhibits on the lines given above, wil, it will be conceded provide a center of great interest and a stimulant to trade. It will enable ewhibitors to meet the general public and to acquaint them with the parcticular advantages of their services, as well as informing them of the many and varied manufacturing processes now undertaken in Shanghai and the high qualities of the finshed articles. Being held in November, it is anticipated that there will be no great counter-attraction to divert the attention of the general public from the Exhibition. to encourage Exhibitors it is proposed to award certificates of merit for the best exhibit of:
1. The most attractive exhibition stand. PRODUCTS MADE IN CHINA
2. Beer
3. Canned Fruits
4. Biscuits
5. Woolen Goods.
6. Silk.
7. Tea.
8. Toilet Soap.
9. Fresh Milk.
10. Fruits and vegetables, grown in China.
(This programme may be varied to suit particular conditions and suggestions will be welcomed).

Every effort will be made to attract the public to the Exhibition. Entrance will be free to all holders of invitations. It is intended to print 100,000 invitations, or more if necessary, and that exhibitors should distiribute these amongst their friends, clients and customers. Clubs, Societies and Associations will be provided with such tickets as they desire, as also will Colleges, Schools and other bodies. In this manner it is anticipated that the attendance at the Exhibition will be more than ample to ensure its sucess. To keep the Exhibition free of lounders it is proposed that an entrance fee of 20 cents be charged to persons without invitations. The Exhibition will be extensively advertised and the promoters undertake to spend not less that $2,000.00 to this end.

In addition to the 10 competitions mentioned above, one of which will be judged each day, a tentative programme of other attractions is proposed (see Excel sheet): Amongst the Conditions governing these Competitions will be one to the effect that entries must be handed in at the Exhibition by he Contestants in person, thereby ensuring a large attendance of sutdents and their relatives or friends and the resultant publicity. In addition it is expected that each of the ehibbitors will arrange some special attraction for one day, thus giving some 6 or 7 special attractions each day. These will be aranged throughout the Exhibition so that at no time will there be any "dead ends" or dull corners. Practical demonstrations will, it is hoped, be possible in painting, weaving, leather-working, baking, cookery, and other activities, as well as voice and film recording. Being situated in the center of shanghai, the Exhibition can be reached by all forms of public transport. For the benefit of colleges, schools, etc. the exhibition will provide 10 buses per day to enable parties to visit the Exhibition. There will be no charge for these buses, which may be reserved upon applicaiton. Each bus will seat approximately 25 people. A programme will be avaiable to all visitors free of charge. it will contain some 200 pages, half in Chinese and half in English. all exhibitors will be listed therein as in a directory, in both languages. There will be no advertisements, but Exhibitors may, if they so desire, purchase additional space in which to describe their exhibit or products. A specimen page is attached. We shall appreciate any comments, criticism or suggestions that you may care to make, as it is fully realised that to ensure success, the closest co-operation is necessary. A representative will call on you in due course to ascertain your requirements, and to explain any points on which you may require further information. In view of the suffestion of Exhibitions and Fairs in other parts of the World, it is anticipated that energetic firms will rapidly take advantage of this proved and forceful methos of bringing their products to the notice of the public, and that bookings for space will be heaby. Already more than 30 firms have expressed an interest in the project and have in many instances defininetly booked space. Further details may be obtained by telephoning the Exhibition Manager, Mr. KIRK, Telephone 11655. An example of the cost of a modest exhibit may be taken as (See Excel sheet). Attendants required : 1 demonstrator, 1 watchman or coolie. Larger stands may, of course be obtained if required, while the amount spent on deocration is left to the discretion of the exhibitor. Any of the larger firms enfafed in advertising will be able to submit quotations of r the complete erection of stands, or this may be arranged through the display department of Messrs. Millington, Limited.

The opportunity to inspect attractive and animated displays of all kinds in the Exhibition withtout feeling any objection to purchase at the time, will undoubtedlty prove of great interest to the general public, as well as of practical value to the Exhibitors.

Keyword(s) [en]exhibition, better, home, stand, map, floor, prospectus
District NameInternational Settlement - Central - Central
District typecommercial, recreational
Type of mediumAdvertising complex
StationThree floors
Street 1Nanking, 31
BuildingHall & Hotz
Estimated seasonAutumn
Estimated momentday
People20,000 visitors

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