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TitleCirculations of cigarette brands and firms between the Chinese and British newspapers Shenbao and North China Daily News (1914-1949)
Year Start1914
Year End1949
DateMonday 6 February 2017

This set of four graphs aims to measure the proportion of cigarette/tobacco brands and firms, either shared or confined to the Chinese newspaper Shenbao and the Biritish North China Daily News, between 1914-1949.

In order to compensate the restriction of our sampling method, and to take possible time gaps into account, we have measured both short-term/simultaneous circulations (that is, shared brands/firms advertised in a restricted sample, at a given point in time) (first set of graphs) and long-term circulations (shared brands/firms in an enlarged sample, covering the entire period 1914-1949) (second set of graph lines).

The measurements were made after extended (weekly) samples of both newspapers (Jan 7-14 1914, Jan 1-8 1924, Jan 1-10 1934, Feb 1-8 1941, Jan 1-8 1949). The related brandstrees have proved powerful tools to fill in this table (see the "Trees" section). This table was then use to build the related graphs (see the "Graphs" section) measuring the number of brands/firms either shared between the Shenbao and North China Daily News, or confined to one or the other newspaper. It was also used to draw the related intertwined circles (see the "Drawings" section).

Keywordscirculation, blockade, press, newspaper, Shenbao, North China Daily News, tobacco, cigarette, firm, company, brand
LanguageChinese, English
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