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TitleShanghai Rotary Club: one-mode network of multiple role-holding (1938-1939)
Year Start1938
Year End1939
DateSaturday 31 August 2019

This table provides the original dataset I used to build the one-mode network of multiple role performed at the meetings of the Shanghai Rotary Club under President Fitch's term (1938-39). This network of roles-roles joined by persons results from the projection of the initial two-mode network of meeting attendance (see related data below), using the R package tnet (project_tm function) (Opsahl, 2008). In this network, nodes represent social roles (role types) performed by participants during club meetings, whereas edges represent persons holding multiple roles. Any edge links two roles performed by the same person. The absence of ties reflects incompatible roles. Tie weight expresses the most frequent combinations of roles. 

The data in this table is presented as a four-column edge list. The first two columns contain connected nodes (roles), while the third and four columns indicate tie weight, using two different methods (sum and Newman). Edges weights measure the number of persons that may perform this combination of roles. In the “sum” projection, 1 means that only one person could perform such combination, 2 means that two persons could do so, and so on. In Newman projection, it is more complex since the method means to correct the negative effects of size variation – by discounting most important events that are more likely to be attended and therefore to share participants - than smaller events, and key officers that are more likely to attend compared to less active members, occasional guests and visitors.

The first sheet includes the edge list, and the second one contains the correspondance table between roles' id, names and attributes. In this dataset, we make a distinction between roles performed during an event (conceptualized as a point in time) and posts (conceived as more stable than roles, and pre-conditions for performing specific roles and behaviors during events: for instance, the president was expected to chair every meeting). The former category includes for instance: chair, speaker, organizer, entertainer, guest. The latter includes executive positions such as president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, director, or neophyte. 


Keywordsclub ; Rotary ; Shanghai ; meeting ; one-mode network ; person ; event ; role ; position ; weighted network ;
Related data

RRP_Harkson_w.xlsx (12.17 ko)

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