Advertised exclusively in the British newspaper North China Daily News.
Source/reference: The Universal Dictionary of Foreign Business in Modern China, Sichuan People's Publishing House, 1995 (10)
三菱银行 Mitsuhishi Bank ; Mitsubishi Bank , Ltd. , Mitsubishi Ginko, Ltd.
日本商业银行。1895 年创办,资本100 万日元,日文原称三菱合资会社银行部.本碍东京,东京、大阪、神户、京都具伦敦诸埠设支店。1917 年来华开业,于上海广东路设支店.经营一般银行业务及汇兑事. 1919 年改组为股份有限公司,称株式会社三菱银行.资本 5 000 万日元,会校岩崎小弥太。东京、大阪、神户、横滨、千叶、水户、小槽、名古屋、京都、冈山、广岛、德山、鸟取、小仓、福冈及上梅、大连、伦敦、纽约诸埠先后设支店或营业所。1930 年代初核定资本累增至1 亿日元,实收6 , 250万日元,资产负债总额为82 , 508 万余日元. 1940 年前后准备金为7 , 582.2 万日元,会长加藤武男, 常务丸山英弥等. 1943 年4 月与株式会社第百银行合并,资本为 13 500 万日元。1944 年尚见于记载,上海支店长小山内倍.
Rough translation
Japanese commercial bank. Founded in 1895, capital of 1 million yen, the Japanese formerly known as the Mitsubishi Joint Venture Bank Department of the Department of Tokyo, Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto, London, Zhu Zhu branch shop. He opened in 1917 to set up a branch office in Shanghai, Guangdong Province, where he was engaged in general banking business and remittance, and was renamed as a joint stock limited company in 1919. The capital was 50 million yen, Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Yokohama, Chiba, Mud, Nagoya, Kyoto, Okayama, Hiroshima, Takayama, Tottori, Ogura, Fukuoka and Shangmei, Dalian, London, New York Or a business office. In the early 1940s, the approved capital increased to 100 million yen, paid 6,250,000 yen, and the total assets and liabilities amounted to 82,508 million yen. The reserve before and after 1940 was 7,522.2 thousand yen, Wushu, Standing Maruyama, etc. In April 1943, merged with the bank of the company, the capital was 13.5 million yen. 1944 is still seen in the record, Shanghai branch long hill times.