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NameOriental Press. Illuminated Projected Sign, Woosung Road
TitleIlluminated Projected Sign, Oriental Press, Woosung Road
AuthorOriental Press; Commissioner of Public Works
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1087-1093)
Repository typeArchive

Letter from Oriental Press to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, July 15, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1088).

We hereby respectfully apply for permission to erect one white canvas screen together with keep-house for the slide lamp on the roof of the former Russian Post Office building No.1, Woosung Road. 
We expect to erect the screen on a lightweight, solid iron construction. The keep-house could be made of any light material to coincide with your regulations. We are desirous of stationing an operator inside the keep-house to work the lamp and slides. We are not certain of the distance between the lamp and screen but however as the roof is rather long we could place the screen at any desired length. We will not operate any firms. We would like to inform you of the fact that because the advertisement could not be seen from beneath the house, there need not be any fear from obstruction of traffic. It is obvious that the screen will only be operated at nights
For your information we will mention that we are running nearly all the slides in the cinema and therefore are experienced in the matter. 
This application is made in accordance with the desires of a number of Shanghai's leading firms, who have pointed out this mode of advertising is being very successfully done thoughout the world and that such advertisements bring very good results. Consequently we would be very much obliged if you will give this matter your usual kind attention and also you consent to the above, at your earliest convnience. Should there be further details you are desirous to know, we will be pleased to have our Advertising Manager call on you upon request. 

Commissioner of Public Works to Acting Secretary. Report R/21/713, Shanghai, July 18, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1089).

I enclose herewith a letter from Messrs. The Oriental Press, in which they apply for a permit to erect a structure and screen on the roof of the above premises. The structure would contain a lantern from which advertising signs would be projected onto the screen. I recommend that the permission applied for be granted, on condition that no films be used, and that the structure in which the lantern will be operated be constructed in accordance with the requirements of this Department, and that if, after one month it is found that the signs attract crowds detrimental to traffic, the permission be withdrawn. 

A similar application to this was approved by the Council in 1918, vide the Council's letter to H. O'Malley, dated 23rd February 1921. 

Commissioner of Police to Acting Secretary. Report 9566/1, Shanghai, July 26, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1090).

With reference to letter dated July 15 from M. Bos, General Manager of Oriental Press (Advertising Department) requesting permission to erect a large screen on the roof of No. 1 Woosung Road on which various advertisements will be shown between 8 p.m. and 12 m.n. There is no objection from a Police point of view. 

Watch Commitee Minutes. Shanghai, July 26, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1093). 

Application by the Oriental Press for permission to erect an illuminated advertisement sign on the roof of No. 1 Woosung Road. Favorable comments by the Commissioners of Police and Public Works are attached also former file No. 18/186 relating to Mr. O'Malley's application in 1918. If permission is granted, the Commissioner of Police will be asked to report again after a month's trial. 

Letter No. 21/1106 from Secretary to Oriental Press. Shanghai, August 3, 1921. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1091).

I am directed to acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 15 requesting permission to erect canvas screen and keep-house on the roof of No.1 Woosung Road, to be used for projecting illuminated advertisements by means of lantern slides. In reply, I am directed to inform you that the permit will be granted for a period of one month. Nevertheless it will be subject to renewal or withdrawal tas the Council may then seen fit. The special advertisement fee will be at the rate of Tls. 0.60 per square foot. Application permit should be made to the Commissioner of Public Works, and the keep-house muse meet the requirements of the Chief Officer of the Fire Brigade. 

Keywordscinema ; experiment ; fire ; lantern ; night ; roof ; safety ; taxation ; traffic ;
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