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NameEdward Evans & Sons, Limited. Lantern Slide Advertisement. North Szechuen Road.
TitleLantern Slide Advertisement, Edward Evans & Sons (Northern district)
AuthorEdward Evans & Sons; Commissioner of Police
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1150-1153)
Repository typeArchive

Letter from Edward Evans & Sons, Limited to Secretary. Shanghai, July 20, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1150). 

We understand that your are allowing firms to advertise by Lantern Slide Projection: - 

  1. With pictures thrown on the sidewalk 
  2. 2With pictures thrown on the ones' own shop window or a blank wall on ones own building. 

We have in mind placing a lantern on the verandah of No. 29 North Szechuen Road throwing a picture on to the wide surface of the south wall of No. 30 North Szechuen Road where it projects into the street. This would be on the second floor. It woud not interfere in any way with pedestrians or traffic. It would not be a strong enough light to be a source of annoyance and it would not be reflected more than 30'. 

We write to enquire whether a special license has to be obtained for this or whether we may proceed at once with same.

Commissioner of Police to Secretary & Commissioner General. Shanghai, July 23, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1151-1152). 

In regard to spot light advertising on the pavement, I have to refer to my No. A.1616 of March 28 last in connexion with an application from Mr. H. Y. Gesterkampf. Advertising by means of pictures projected on to the walks bordering the streets (particularly a narrow street such as Szechuen Road) is, in my opinion, open to the same objection, namely that it would inevitably cause crowds to collect and so obstruct both foot and vehicular traffic. 

I think it advisable to adhere to a general policy of refusing permission in all such cases.

Keywordslantern ; sidewalk ; slide ; traffic ; wall ;
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