Karel Maticka to Delegation of the Czechoslovak Governement. Shanghai, November 10, 1922. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1126).
I Karel Maticka, of Chechoslovak Nationality beg to apply for a permit from the International Municipal Council, to be allowed to erect as an Enterprise & Commercial Light Advertisement on the roof No. 179 at the corner of Nanking & Fokien Roads, in the Central District.
Delegation of the Czechoslovak Governement to Secretary & Commissioner General (N.O. Lidell). "Re: K. Maticka, Application for Advertising Permit". Shanghai, November 20, 1922. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1125).
I beg to transmit you herewith application of Mr. K. Maticka for your kind consideration. Recommending Mr. Maticka to your favour.
Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary & Commissioner General. "Proposed Advertising on Roof No. 179 Nanking Road - Cad. Lot 360 - Letter from J. Hnizedo dated November 20th, 1922". Shanghai, November 25, 1922. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1127).
I am unable to report on this application as no details are given as to the system to be used.
Assistant Secretary to the Delegation of the Czechoslovak Governement. Shanghai, November 26, 1922. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-3-1081 (1128).
With reference to your letter of November 20th, forwarding an application from M. K. Maticka for a permit to erect a Commercial Light Advertisement on the roof of No. 179 Nanking Road, I am to request that particulars be given as to the system of lighting and advertising which it is desired to adopt and to that one I am to suggest that the applicant should call personnally at the Public Works Department and explain his suggestion.
Assistant Secretary to Delegate for the Czechoslovak Government. Shanghai, November 28, 1922. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0715).
With reference to your letter of November 20th, forwarding an application from M. K. Maticka for a permit to erect a Commercial Light Advertisement on the roof of No. 179 Nanking Road, I am to request that particulars be given as to the system of lighting and advertising which it is desired to adopt and to that one I am to suggest that the applicant should call personnally at the Public Works Department and explain his suggestion.
K. Maticka, Application for permit. Shanghai, January 5, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0716-0717).
PLEASE grant permission to Karel Maticka ofr the purpose of constructing a machine room on roof of … No.180 in the Nanking Road…
Commissioner of Public Works to Karel Maticka - "Proposed Illuminated Advertisement - Nanking Road". Shanghai, January 11, 1923. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3170 (0721).
With reference to your applicaiton of the 5h instant for a permit to construct a machine enclosure on the roof of premises No.180 Nanking Road, for the purpose of showing illuminated advertisements, I beg to inform you that as no such number as 180 Nanking Road exists, I am unable to forward you application to the Council until further information regarding the site is submitted.