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NameThe China Soap Company, Limited. Advertising by Means of Cinematograph Displays.
TitleCinematographic Advertisement, China Soap Company
AuthorChina Soap Company; Commissioner of Police; Commissioner of Public Works; Fire Brigade
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0360-0367)
Repository typeArchive

China Soap Company, Limited to S.M.C. Secretary.  Shanghai, October 12, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0366-0367).

We respectfully ask you to draw the attention of the Shanghai Municipal Council to the fact that this company owns a Morris Commercial Motor van fitted with a Peter engine and generator and equipment for showing talking pictures. The van and its equipment was inspected by the Police and fire departments two years ago and was approved and licensed by them; since that time it has been engaged in advertising the products of this company in the nearby provinces. Under the supervision of police officers several hundred free educational and advertising movie shows have been presented without any untoward incident occuring. 

We now desire permission to continue this work in the oulying sections of the International Settlement. It is of course understood that after the Council's permission has been obtained we shall still continue to obtain police permission for each show and full details of our plans will at all times be submitted to the police and their instructions adhered too. 

For your information we would add that our van and equipment are fully licensed for the International Settlement, French Concession and Chinese Distrcts and conforms with all public safety requirements. 

The films exhibited have been passed by the Censor board and consist of a picture showing how soap is manufactured at our Yantsepoo factory, a reel showing the Chinese sports held at Kiangwan last year, two reels entitled "How to wash clothes" and a subject on personal hygiene. The programme is supported by "Mickey Mouse" and other cartoons and is of sufficient interest to hold an audience in respectul attention for an average period of one and half hours. 

(p.2/2) The grounds selected for our shows are amply large to accomodate a greater crowd than will ever be present and so situated as not to interfere in any way with traffic or endanger adjoining property

The van is at all times under the immediate supervision of a foreigner, an ex-policeman, and trial shows which have been presented for the benefit of senior police officers have been approved as satisfactory. 

The formal permission of the Shanghai Municipal Council for the holding of our educational shows and the furthermore of this company's goodwill will be greatly appreciated. 
Secretary to The China Soap Company, Limited.  Shanghai, October 13, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0365). 

I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of October 12 requesting permission to operate in outlying sections of the International Settlement a motor van equipped to show talking pictures and in reply to inform ou that the matter is receiving attention and will form the subject of a further communication in due course.  

Chief Officer - Fire Brigade to Secretary - Mobile Cinema Equipment -  Ref. M.13/9. Shanghai, October 13, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0364). 

With reference to the copy of a letter addressed to the Secretary of the Council from the China Soap Company, Limited, dated October 12th ,1936, forwarded to this Department for comment I would state as follows:

  1. No Motor Van, fitted with talking picture equipment has ever been inspected, approved or recommended for a licence by this Department, for the China Soap Company, Limited, therefore we are unaware of the nature of the Van in question. 
  2. Regarding the use to which it is proposed to place this Van, I would refer to a previous application the Council received from Mr. Jansen on March 2nd, 1935.  

Commissioner of Police to Secretary - "Your Endorsement M. 13/10 dated October 13, 1938 - "China Soap Company - Cinema Advertising". Shanghai, October 22, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0363).
There are no Police objections to the showing of films by the Company, provided that 

  1. the films to be shown at each show are first approved of by the Police; 
  2. that permission be obtained for each showing after due information has been given of the time and place of the proposed screening; 
  3. that the places selected are not public property. 

The assurance given in the fifth paragraph for the letter under reference is not sufficient. The Police and the Fire Brigade must satisfy themselves as to the suitability of each site selected.

Deputy Treasurer - Revenue  to Secretary - Police Department Report dated October 22, 1936.  Shanghai, November 4, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0362). 

Records to this office whow that the van descrived in the above-mentioned letter has been continuously licensed as a private motor freight vehicle since September 1934. 

There is no remark on the application form indicating that the vehicle was, at that time, fitted with any special equipment or designed for any use other than that of an ordinary freight carrier.  

Secretary to The China Soap Company, Limited. Shanghai, November 5, 1936. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0361). 

I have to refer to your letter of October 12th, 1936 applying for permission to show talking pictures from a motor van specially equipped for the purpose, in toulying sections of the International Settlement and, in reply to state that the desired permission is acforded subject to the following conditions :

  1. That the van and its equipemnt be inspected and approved by the Fire Brigade; as to which will you kindly arrange with them direct. 
  2. That the films to be shown at each sceening are first approved of by the Police. 
  3. That permission be obtained from the Police and the Fire Brigade for each showing, after due information has been given of the time and place of the proposed screening. 
  4. That the places selected are not public property. 
KeywordsAmericanization ; cartoon ; censorship ; children ; cinema ; education ; fire ; hygiene ; licence ; mobile ; outlying ; public ; safety ; sport ; traffic ;
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