W.H. Jansen, A.S.C. (Visual and Audible Education) to Commissioner of Public Health. Shanghai, February 19, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0387).
I have the honour of adressing you and herewith enclose a picture of the appartus that will be used in connection with my Civic Audible and Visual Education, with the view of obtaining your permission ot operate same in the public markets, between the hours of 7 and 11 p.m.
You may recall some years ago I was very active in promoting civic education and much valuable publicity was givent to various municipal departments, through films such as "511", "Safety First", "Grade A Milk", vaccination, smallpox, etc. at which time, public markets were largely used for their showing. (...)
Commissioner of Public Health to Secretary. Shanghai, February 23, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0385-0386).
I enclose herewith, for the Council's consideration, copy of letter dated February 19th, from Mr. W.H. Jansen, who requests permission to use the Municipal Markets to operate the above apparatus, presumbly for advertising purposes.
In comment, I have to say that Mr. Jansen rendered this Department valuable assistance some years ago when considerable pionneer work was necessary in the preparation of our Public Health educational films, and I am of opinion that his special knowledge along these lines should be borne in mind when considerating the point at issue.
There is little doubt that the plan would, under certain conditions, prove useful to the Department and that it would be a pity to lose such an opportunity. On the other hand, to grant permission might create an undesirable precedent.
Summarising, I suggest that, subject to concurrence of the Police Department, permission might be given for a brief trial period in a certain market or markets to be designated later.
Commissioner of Police to Secretary - Reference M 13/9 - Cinema Films in Markets, etc. Shanghai, February 28, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0384).
I have to state that a similar application was made by Mr. Jansen to this department at the beginning of the month, when he was requested to address his application to you and to give full information regarding the scheme he had in view.
As his letter to the Commisisoner of Public Health does not contain full details regarding the type of films, sites, and times of the proposed exhibitions, it is difficult to offer comment other than of a general nature. The scheme appears to be of an advertising nature and it may be objectionable in view of the overcrowded state of the markets and streets in the vicinity at certain periods. An undesirable precedent from a Police and traffic point of view will be created, if permission is granted.
W.H. Jansen, A.S.C. (Visual and Audible Education) to Secretary. Shanghai, March 2, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0382-0383)
I have the honour of adressing you in regard to Civic Audible and Visual Education and enclose herewith a brochure, which is self explanatory, with the view of obtaining permission, for showing same in all possible locations within the International Settlement area, where it will be permissable to operate withtout interfering in any way whatsoever with traffic regulations.
You may recall some years ago I had several similar machines operating in Shanghai, at which time much valuable publicity was given to various municipal departments, by the showing of films such as "511", "Safety First", "Grade A Milk", vaccination, smallpox, etc. and at no time during my years of operating, were there any complaining nor were there any violations of the privileges granted to me.
The sites I wish to obtain are Colleges, Schools, Public Markets, Richa Centers, Public Health Halls, Public Parks, vacant grounds, sports grounds and such other locations in factory and residential areas that will not in any way interfere with traffic, and as may be allotted to me by the Traffic Department.
I have discussed my educational plans with the Commissioner of the various municipal departments, all of whom think very highly of my enterprise and here promised their co-operation.
(p.2/2) The regular program will consist of about 10 reels of film showing each evening between the hours of 7 and 11 p.m.
All municipal publicity such as Health, Traffic, Public Works, S.V.C. Fire, Factory, Inspection, etc., will be shown free of charge.
The income with which to support the enterprise will be derived from sponsored films, such as industries at work, anti-opium, anti-spitting, child welfare and other subjects of an educational nature, and if any particular product is being publicized, the films will be made up only in an educational way. For example: If Lactogen were the subject, the film would demonstrate the proper way too fee and care for a child. If it were ice cream, sweets or biscuits, the process of making them would be shown, stressing the importance of sanitary conditions and pure ingredients.
The enterprise is purely altruistic and its purpose s to inculcate the masses to a more healthful state of living. And if possible, to engender the spirit of civic pride and welfare.
W.H. Jansen, A.S.C. (Visual and Audible Education) to Superintendent of Public Education. Shanghai, March 25, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0381).
In reference to the civic Audible and Visual educational program as explained in the enclosed brochure, we respectfully request your permission to give occasional showing in the Shanghai Municipal Public Schools.
The programme will consist mostly of cartoons, comedies, travelogues, etc. with only a minimum of locally sponsored subjects such as Health, Traffic, Fire Prevention, Insurance, Pure Ice Cream, Lactogen or other milk foods, etc. all of which will be filmed in a very instructive manner. All films used will be submitted for your approval before showing.
Superintendent of Education to W.H. Jansen, A.S.C. (Visual and Audible Education). Shanghai, March 27, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0380).
I am in receipt of your letter of the 25th inst. Copies of which have been sent to Heads of Municipal Schools with the request that they communicate direct with you if they are able to avail themselves of your offer.
Would you kindly send to me 15 copies of your brochure for distribution?
Superintendent of Education to Secretary - Educational Cinema Films - W.H. Jansen's Letter dated March 2, 1935. Shanghai, March 6, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0379).
With reference to the above letter I attach hereto departmental correspondence on this subject which is self explanatory.
Commissioner of Public Health to Secretary - Mobile Cinema - Ref. M. 13/9. Shanghai, March 6, 1935. . Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0375-0378).
With reference to the letter from Mr. W.H. Jansen, dated March 2 (1935), I have to state that, in my opinion, whilst undoubtedly Mr. Jansen's ofer is made with a view to advertising his facilities, nevertheless a great deal of good could be obtained by accepting it, since this form of publicity, though of much value in our work, is extremely costly and difficult for us to obtain at the present time, without the expenditure of more money than is justified by the financial situation.
[Attached: A.S.C. Brochure (Extracts)].
Commissioner of Public Works to Secretary - "Public Parks" - Letter from Mr. W.H. Jansen dated March 2, 1935 - Ref. M. 13/9. Shanghai, March 7, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0374).
As far as the Parks are concerned, I do not consider that the exhibition of cinematograph films should be permitted, especially if these are to be used for advertisements even to a limited extent.
On the frounds that anything that tends to increase traffic congestion should be discouraged, I am also not in favour of permission being granted for the exhibition of films whilst the vans are traversing the public roads, it may, however be difficult to discriminate in this case as so many of the delivery vans, etc., now in use carry advertisements of various descriptions.
I return the brochure herewith.
Commissioner of Police to Secretary - Reference M 13/9 dated March 5, 1935 - Cinema Films in Markets, etc. Shanghai, March, 5 (?), 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0373).
I have nothing further to add to this office letter No. C. 9314 of February 28th, 1935, but, if permission is granted, it would be necessary for the Police to be given advance information as to time, site and nature of films to be projected from time to time.
Ricsha Board to Secretary - W.H. Jansen letter dated March 2nd, 1935 forwarded to us 5th inst. (March 1935). Shanghai, March 9, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0372).
It is a little difficult to intelligently comment on this project without studying the brochure which accompanied the original letter but as we understand the proposition, the enterprise might be of distinct educational value and on the presumption that it entails no charge on Public funds it should be encouraged.
Chief Officer - Fire Brigade to Secretary - Mobile Cinema Equipment - Ref. M.13/9. Shanghai, March 13, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0371).
With reference to copy of letter from Mr. W.H. Jansen dated March 2th, 195, on the above subject, received by this Department for comment.
I am of the opinion that a considerable amount of usefulness would be served in assisting the public to realise what can be done in the way of fire prevention and protection, and more particularly for school children. It is a subject which can be developed very considerably though it requires certain amount of work to formulate programmes and details which would lead to this end.
The question of giving exhibition inside schools, colleges and halls, etc. should be limited to premises which have been constructed and are suitable for that purpose.
Secretary to W.H. Jansen, A.S.C. (Visual and Audible Education). Shanghai, March 14, 1935. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-4-3820 (0369-0370).
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of March 2, applying for the use of municipal buildings, markets, parks and other public spaces for the purpose of screening cinema films combining trade advertising and social welfare proganda, including publicity municipal departments may wish to undertake, such screening to be by means of an equipped motor van.
In reply, I have to state that the Council has recently ruled against vehicles being operated on the public way for purposes other than the transport of passengers or freight, i.e. primary traffic purposes. You will appreciate that an exception exclusively in your favour could not be justified.
With regard to public trade advertising from vehicles operating in the streets or public places, the existing policy is to restrict such as far as possible to the exhibition of the name and business of the owner of the vehicle.
As to the uses of public places, other than the traffic way, it is regretted that the establishment of a (p.2/2) precedent cannot be permitted for the use of the public parks for cinema exhibitions, whether for educative or purely entertainment purposes.
Permission is however given for the use of such of the municipal markets as the Commissioner of Public Health in his dicretion may approve, on the understanding that the permission may be revoked at any time as he may see fit.
Similarly, and subject to withdrawal at any time, permission is given for the use of such of the municipal school buildings as the Superintendent of Education may authorise, provided they are considered by the Fire Brigade as safe for such purposes.
Regarding screening at ricsha centres, it will be necessary for you first to consult with the Chairman of the proposed arrangements for hte Council's approval.
It is to be understood that the permission accorded is subject to your affording such publicity for municipal purposes as Departments may requires; that all films exhibited are approved by the Police, and that advance notice is given to the Police of the time and place of screening.