Translation No. 3128 of letter dated 26/1/37 from Pootung Guild to PWD - "Your Notice dated 23/1/37 - Neon Sign between 5th & 6th Floors". Shanghai, January 25, 1937. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1525).
We are in receipt of the above stating that the above sign (1452 Avenue Edward VII (H162) East Wall) was erected without a permit and must therefore be demolished within 7 days.
In reply we beg to state that the work referred to was carried out by the Neon Light Company who obtained the P.W.D Permit No. 835 on December 21, 1936. We shall be obliged if you will let us know if the above statement is correct.
Building Surveyor Report. Shanghai, January 29, 1937. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1526).
Permit 835 covers sign on south wall as per sketch attached.
Refers to large neon sign fixed on east wall without permit and although this is the Pootung Guild Building, the U form should be addressed to International Dispensary Company Limited 1452 Avenue Edward II. I find on enquiry . Have explained to both parties.
Commissioner of Public Works to Pootung Guild - "Unauthorized Neon Light Sign - Avenue Edward VII - Cad Lot 1677, Western". Shanghai, February 2, 1937. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1530).
With further reference to my communication of the 23rd ulti (January 1937) and your reply thereto of the 26th ult, I regret that my communication was sent to you in error, it should have been addressed to the International Dispensary Company, Limited.