1079 documents
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NameBuildings - Neon Lights Signs - General. Central District. Kwang Ming Neon Light Company
TitleKwang Ming Neon Light Company, Applications for permit
AuthorKwang Ming Neon Light Company; Commissioner of Public Works
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1465-1467), U1-14-3269 (1468-1471), U1-14-3269 (1472-1475), U1-14-3269 (1494-1496)
Repository typeArchive

Kwang Ming Neon Light Company to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai August 8, 1938. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1465). 

We beg to inform you that on the 4th instant (August 1938) we have sent you an application for permit relating to the erection of a Neon Light Sign at 187 Hoopeh Road, which we think your would have taken to your kind consideration. Now, on account of desirability of the client to change the erecting position, we beg respectfully to ask you to cancel our last application mentioned above and to inspect the said sign acording to the applicaiton which we enclosed herewith. 


Kwang Ming Neon Light Company - to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, January 12, 1939. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1469). 

We beg respectfully to address you that, on account of the desirousness of our client to start our work quickly, we are anxious to get your permission to erect and maintain one Neon Light Sign at 619 Nanking Road, in the Central District, for which our application has been sent on the date of the December 29th, 1938. We shall be much obliged if you will approve our application for the above-mentioned sign at your earliest convenience.  

Letter from Commissioner of Public Works to Kwang Ming Neon Light Company. "Neon Light sign - 619 Nanking Road - Cad Lot 513, Central". Shanghai, January 14, 1939. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1471).

In reply to your letter dated the 12th instant, I have to inform you that the permit for the above neon light sign has been issued and may be obtained on application to the Revenue Office. 


Kwang Ming Neon Light Company to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, March 18, 1939.  SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1473). 

Being informed by our representative that you find the location of the Neon sign which we have applied for erecting the House No.553 in the Nanking Road to be unsatisfactory by reason of its approach to the point light, we beg respectfully to advice you that the said sign does not form an obstacle to the work of point light, as it is located not only between the Fokien and Hupeh Road, in a distance from the point light, but also in the position of the third floor of the House. We shall be much obliged if you will kindly give it reinspection and permit us to erect.  

Commissioner of Public Works to Kwang Ming Neon Light Company. "Permit application - Neon Light Sign - 553 Nanking Road - Cad Lot 513 Central District". Shanghai, March 20, 1939.  SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1474). 

With reference to your letter dated the 18th inst. I have to inform you that your application to erect a neon light sign at the above property was not disapproved for the reasons stated in your letter. The sketch submitted by you gives insufficient information with regard to the fixing of the sign. 


Kwang Ming Neon Light Company to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, May 21, 1940.  Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1495). 

In reply to your letter of the 20th instant, advising us to remedy the unsatisfactory condition of the neon light sign at No.630 Nanking and Kwangse [Kiangse] Road, we beg respectfully to inform you that we have started our work in accordance with your instructions. We shall finish it within three weeks and shall ask you to inspect it immediately after its completion.  

Public Works Department Report. Shanghai, July 2, 1940.  Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1496). 

CL 630. Demolished by P.W.D 

Keywordscancellation ; central ; information ; inspection ; neon ; permit ; point light ; position ; removal ; sketch ; taxation ; war ;
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