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NameBuildings - Neon Lights Signs - General. Central District. Kwang Ming Neon Light Company vs. V. Lenoise
TitleKwang Ming Neon Light Company vs. Kukon Company
AuthorKwang Ming Neon Light Company; Kukon Company (Kozosha); Lenoise, V.; Kozosha; Commissioner of Public Works
CollectionShanghai Municipal Archives
Sub collectionShanghai Municipal Council
Reference NumberSMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1480-1493)
Repository typeArchive

V. Lenoise (Kukon Co.) To Public Works Department - "Re - Neon Light sign at my house." Shanghai, March 29, 1940. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1481). 

Re - Neon Light Sign at my house I beg to inform you that I am in no way responsible for its erection or any damage cause by strong winds. As you already know, it is not according to Drawing. So I leave everything to your decision whether or not it can stay or be demolished. The Contractor : Kwang Ming Company, 505 Honan Road. I am sorry to trouble you, but I cannot hold myself responsible for so fail an erection.  

Commissioner of Public Works to V. Lenoise (Kukon Co.). "Application 40/63 - 1 steel skeleton framework on Rood for Neon Light Sign - Soochow Road - Cad Lot 67 central District".  Shanghai, April 2, 1940. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1483).

With reference to my notification dated the 3rd February and your reply thereto dated the 29th March, regarding the above I have to point out that when you signed the application form for the permit, you undertook to comply with such conditions as may be contained in the permit. I would further point out that Condition 22 of the permit issued states that all work shall be carried out in accordance with the deposited plans, Land Regulations, Bye laws and Rules with respect to New Buildings. I must therefore request that you will remedy the defective conditions immediately otherwise the advertising sign will be demolished by this Department without further notice.  

Accounts of the costs for the demolition of the steel neon signs. Shanghai, April 2, 1940. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1484). 

[Not reproduced]

Commissioner of Public Works to Kwang Ming Neon Light Company. "Application 40/63 Advertising Sign on Roof of Foreign Building - Szechuen & Soochow Roads - Cad Lot 67 Central". Shanghai, April 13, 1940. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1487).

I have to inform you that the above advertising board, which was erected in an unsatisfactory manner and not in accordance with the approved plans, has now been removed by this Department. The cost of this work was $72.00 and I shall be obliged if you wil kindly forward your cheque at your early convenience. 

Kwang Ming Neon Light Company to Commissioner of Public Works. Shanghai, April 18, 1940. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1489).

In reply to your letter dated April 13th 1940, demanding us to pay $72.00 for the cost of removing the advertising board on the roof of the House No. 681 in the Szechuen Road, we beg respectully to inform you that we are unable to take responsibility for the payment of the above charges, as the form and structure of the said board was designated by Messrs. KOZO-SHA the owner of the board, the application for permit was done by Mr. Lenoise, the resident of the House, and the thing left to us was merely to do it at the owner's will. We can truly tell you that every kind of our works has been done in accordance with your instructions which can be proved by past facts. The present matter is exceptional, as it is beyond our control. We shall be much obliged if you would give our information your kind consideration and collect the above charges from the owner or the applicant of the said advertising board.   

Commissioner of Public Works to Kwang Ming Neon Light Company. "Application 40/63 Advertising Sign on Roof of Foreign Building - Szechuen & Soochow Roads - Cad Lot 67 Central District". Shanghai, April 19, 1940. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1490).

With reference to my letter dated the 13th instant (April 1940) and our reply thereto dated the 18t instant. I note that the work in connection with the erection of this advertising sign was done by your selbes. In this respect I would draw your attention to Byelaw VIIIA annexed to the Land Regulations which reads as follows: "Where the Council incur expenses in or about the removal of any work executed contrary to any Rule, the Council may recover the amount of such expenses either from the person executing the works removed or from the person causing the works to be executed at their discretion in the same manner as they may recover penalties under the existing Byelaws. 

In view of this power conferred on the Council by the Byelaws annexed to the Land Regulations, I must look to your for payment of the amount in question, viz: $72.00.  

Kwang Ming Neon Light Company to Commissioner of Public Works.  Shanghai, April 22, 1940. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1491).

In response to your letter of the 19Th instant in which you require us to pay $72.00 for the charge of removing the advertising board at 681 Szechuen Road and have enlightened us as to the reason led to our question, in our previous letter of whether the payment should be made by us or by the owner or by the applicant, by quoting the Byelaw VIIIA of the Land Regulations, we beg to send you a cheque of the above mentioned amount for the payment of the said work, which is enclosed herewith. 

Commissioner of Public Works to Kwang Ming Neon Light Company. "Application 40/63 Advertising Sign on Roof of Foreign Building - Szechuen & Soochow Roads - Cad Lot 67 Central District".  Shanghai, April 24, 1940. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1492).

I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 22nd instant, together with a cheque for $72.00 and enclose herewith receipt for same.  

V. Lenoise (Kukon Co.) to Commissioner of Public Works - "Re - Neon Light sign at my house". Shanghai, June 13, 1940. Source: SMA (SMC), U1-14-3269 (1493).

I beg respectfully to inform you that Messrs. KOZOSHA the owner of the advertising board which have been demolished by you from the roof of my house locating at 681 Szechuen Road on account of its unsatisfactory condition, is now intending to erect a neon light sign on my roof of the house in the same adress and to apply directly through them for the permit erecting the sign, upon which I have fully agreed. I send this letter to you to certify the fact. 

Keywordscentral ; conflict ; demolition ; Japanese ; neon ; permit ; safety ; regulation ; responsibility ; roof ; weather ;
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