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NameIndia market for "Tundice" thermos bottle
TitleVacuum bottles. Portable Ice Chest. "Tundice" Portable Refrigerator
AuthorBreyers, E.J., Acting Chief, Specialties Division; Renshaw, Donald, Assistant Trade Commissioner, Calcutta, India.
CollectionNARA, Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionGeneral records, 1914-1958, 205.3 Toilet Articles (Gen.) - 205.50 Thermos Bottles (Gen.), Box 822
Reference NumberRG151, Entry 14, FC 205.3-205.50, Box 822
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence between Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.. and the Office of Trade Commissioner in Calcutta, India, regarding potential markets in India for "Tundice" metal container, in the shape of an old fashioned milk can with a plug cover (September-January 1925). Includes a list of American manufacturers of Vacuum Bottles, taken from "Thomas" Register of American Manufacturers). 


Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151), General records, 1914-1958, 205.3 Toilet Articles (Gen.) - 205.50 Thermos Bottles (Gen.), Box 822, folder "Thermos Bottles - General" (205.50 General), p.35-38, 40-41, 46-51



Keywordsspeciality ; thermos ; market ; India ; metal ; container ; milk ; old ; refrigerator ; portable ;
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