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NameData on the vacuum bottle industry
TitleVacuum bottle Industry
AuthorFreund, G.G., Globe Vacuum Bottle Co., Newfield, New Jersey & NYC, New York,; Ting, Eric T., Chief, Specialties Division; Pennington, J.G., Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D.C.; FAyette, W. Allport, American Commercial Attache, Be
CollectionNARA, Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151)
Sub collectionGeneral records, 1914-1958, 205.3 Toilet Articles (Gen.) - 205.50 Thermos Bottles (Gen.), Box 822
Reference NumberRG151, Entry 14, FC 205.3-205.50, Box 822
Repository typeArchive

Correspondence dated July 1927-January 1928 between the Globe Vacuum Bottle Co., the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Washington, D.C.. and various offices in Europe (Berlin, Prague, etc), in connection with the company's requesting data on the vacuum bottle industry, both of American manufacture and foreign origin, particularly domestic (American) production, as to volume, number of people employer, etc. 

Includes data on the vacuum bottle industry in Germany, Czekoslovaka (detailed reports entitled "Foreign Market Bulleint of Specialties Division", including information on bottle size in liters and local retail prices) dated Januar 1928)


Records of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce (RG151), General records, 1914-1958, 205.3 Toilet Articles (Gen.) - 205.50 Thermos Bottles (Gen.), Box 822, folder "Thermos Bottles - General" (205.50 General), p.52-71



Keywordsspeciality ; thermos ; market ; data ; inquiry ; vacuum ; lunch ; kit ; size ; price ; Germany ; Czekoslovaka ;
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