16 documents
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ID Title Year Type Author(s) Language Keywords 
4216Through the Looking Glass: Foreign Journalists in China, from the Opium Wars to Mao2009BookFrench, PaulEnglishJournalism, press, China, opium, war, Mao, Crow
4207The Universal Dictionary of Foreign Business in Modern China 外国在华工商企业辞典 (Waiguo zaihua gongshang qiye cidian) 1995BookHUANG, Guangyu 黃光域ChineseDirectory, dictionary, business, company, foreign
4244THE FOREIGN BANKS IN CHINA, PART I - EARLY IMPERIAL ISSUES (1850-1900) IMPERIAL ISSUES (1850-1900)Electronic sourceSandrock, John E.Englishbank; foreign;
4211Selling Chinese Dreams: Fashion, Culture and Discourse in Advertising in China between the Two World Wars (Paper presented at the joint meeting of the Business History Conference/European Business History Association, Milan, Italy, 11-13 June 2009)2009Morgan, Stephen L.ChineseAdvertising, agency, China, business, culture, discourse, dream, fashion, history, interwar
4212Marketing to China: one billion new customers1990BookXu, BaiyiEnglishAdvertising, marketing, China, contemporary, Consolidated National Advertising Agency, copywriter, consumer, customer, biography, testimonial, memoir
4213Foreigners and foreign institutions in Republican China2013BookBardy, Anne-Marie, Brown, DouglasEnglishRepublican, China, foreign, institution, actor
4245FOREIGN BANKS IN CHINA, PART III - REPUBLIC OF CHINA ISSUES (1912-1945)Electronic sourceSandrock, John E.Englishbank; foreign;
4246FOREIGN BANKS IN CHINA, Part II - IMPERIAL CHINESE ISSUES (1900-1911)Electronic sourceSandrock, John E.Englishbank; foreign;
4209Foreign advertising in China: becoming global, becoming local2000BookWang, JianEnglishAdvertising, agency, americanization, China, consumer, contemporary, history, imperialism, foreign, global, local, hybridity
4215Compromising with Consumerism in Socialist China: Transnational Flows and Internal Tensions in "Socialist Advertising"2013Journal articleGerth, KarlEnglishConsumption, socialist, circulation, transnational, global, local, propaganda, advertising, Cold War
4370Biographical dictionary of Republican China (Yang-Yun)1971BookBoorman, Howard L., ed; Howard, Richard C., ed; Cheng, Joseph K. HEnglishdictionary; biography; China; elite; index
4369Biographical dictionary of Republican China (Mao-Wu)1970BookBoorman, Howard L., ed; Howard, Richard C., ed; Cheng, Joseph K. HEnglishdictionary; biography; China; elite; index
4366Biographical dictionary of Republican China (index)1965BookBoorman, Howard L., ed; Howard, Richard C., ed; Cheng, Joseph K. HEnglishdictionary; biography; China; elite; index
4368Biographical dictionary of Republican China (Dalai-Ma)1968BookBoorman, Howard L., ed; Howard, Richard C., ed; Cheng, Joseph K. HEnglishdictionary; biography; China; elite; index
4367Biographical dictionary of Republican China (Ai-Ch'u)1967BookBoorman, Howard L., ed; Howard, Richard C., ed; Cheng, Joseph K. HEnglishdictionary; biography; China; elite; index
4214A passion for facts: Social surveys and the construction of the Chinese nation state, 1900-19492011BookTong, LamEnglishChina, nation, social, survey, state, fact
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