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TitlePage location of advertising zones in the newspaper Shenbao (1914-1949)
Year Start1914
Year End1949
DateMonday 5 December 2016

This set of bar charts aim to finely locate advertising zones on each page of the newspaper Shenbao from 1914 to 1949. For that very purpose, two hierarchic types of page location have been identified, according to their actual/visible position on the page, and their presumed capacity to attract the reader's eye. Each one was associated to a given color and number :

  • Marginal or peripheral position (1), i.e. on the marges or at the bottom of the page, presumed to be less attractive to the reader (light grey);
  • Central position (2): located at the centre or top of the page, presumed to be more attractive to reader's eye (dark grey).

N.B. Number "0" and white color stand for restricted zones (no ads).

The measurements were made from our five usual samples of the newspaper Shenbao: Jan 7, 1914 ; Jan 3, 1924 ; Jan 5, 1934 ; Feb 1, 1941 ; Jan 1, 1949.

Keywordslocation, page, attention, marge, periphery, center, reader, color, position
LanguageChinese, English, French

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