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134Network of places: an alternative to bipartite networks and one-mode projections

133Sketching hypothesis about Shanghai Rotarians

132Circulations of cigarette brands between the press and streets of Shanghai (1905-1949)

131Seasonal effects on advertisements in the British newspaper North China Daily News (1914-1950)

130Seasonal effects on advertisements in the Chinese newspaper Shenbao (1914-1949)

129Circulations of cigarette brands between the newspapers Shenbao and North China Daily News (1914-1949)

128Circulations of pharmaceutical brands between the newspapers Shenbao and North China Daily News (1914-1949)

127Scale of advertising creativity in the British newspaper North China Daily News (1914)

126Scale of advertising creativity in the Chinese newspaper Shenbao (1914-1949)

125Scale of visuality measuring conformity/deviations to the “ideal copy” in the British newspaper North China Daily News (1914-1949)

124Scale of advertising borders in the British newspaper North China Daily News (1914-1949)

123Patterns of advertising modernity in Shanghai (medium-oriented view) (1905-1943)

122The notion of "public": four concentric circles

121Duel between two tailors' shop signs on Broadway, Shanghai (after Clark, 1894)

120Politiques fiscales dans les concessions et la presse à Shanghai (1914-1949) : critères exclusifs/partagés

119Scale of advertising borders in the Chinese newspaper Shenbao (1914-1949)

118Scale of advertising areas in the British newspaper North China Daily News (1914-1949)

117Scale of advertising areas in the Chinese newspaper Shenbao (1914-1949)

116Scale of visuality measuring conformity/deviations to the “ideal copy” in the Chinese newspaper Shenbao (1914-1949)

115Pyramide sociale des marques de cigarettes et de leurs marchés à Shanghai (1902-1949)

114Discordances et recoupements entre ma typologie des produits et celle proposée par les chercheurs de Qinghua en 1923

105Size of a page of the newspaper North China Daily News from April 1944 to December 1949

104Size of a page of the newspaper North China Daily News between June 1923 and December 1941

103Size of a page of the newspaper North China Daily News January 1906 and June 1923

102Size of a page of the newspaper Shenbao between August 1918 and 1949

101Size of a page of the newspaper Shenbao between January 1913 and August 1918
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